The Reading All-Stars program, sponsored by Michelin, N.A. and the Greenville Drive, is a proven reading incentive program designed to promote reading enjoyment and academic success among the youth through the excitement and appeal of Greenville Drive baseball.
Launched in 2008, the program has expanded to include both a Spring and Summer program focused around schools and library systems in Anderson, Greenville, Laurens, Pickens & Spartanburg Counties.
To date, over 1,220,000 students have participated in our program and nearly 330,00 students have qualified as Reading All-Stars.
The Spring Reading All-Stars Program is a reading incentive challenge for any Kindergarten - 8th grade student aimed at promoting reading and academic success across the Upstate. Students are challenged to read 5 reading-level appropriate books (Elementary Schools) or 500 pages (Middle Schools) in a 5-week time period to qualify as a Reading All-Star.