General Statement
On behalf of the Modesto Nuts, the practices identified below represent practical best efforts to proactively invest and keep our community safe when attending Nuts games at John Thurman Field in 2021. The outlined steps and initiatives are intended to preserve the safety of the staff, players, fans, and guests.
The Nuts will continue to follow the guidance of state and local agencies, as well as the directives of Major League Baseball (MLB). The input of local and regional medical professionals and our health partners will also play a significant role in the continued development of the below policies and best practices.
Face Coverings
Per MLB directive, all attendees age two years and older must wear a face covering over their nose and mouth at all times on ballpark property other than when actively eating or drinking at their ticketed seats.
Cashless Payment
The Nuts are putting a high priority on cashless payment options as this will limit direct contact between employees and guests. Please be sure to bring a credit card or debit card to the ballpark, this includes parking, concessions stands, kids zone, and more.
Social Distancing
- The Modesto Nuts have implemented seating pods to kick off the 2021 season. Where fans get the option of purchasing pods in sets of 2 or 4 seats. Socially distanced pods will include 6 ft. of distance between each party in all directions (while in the Red Tier).
- There will be social distancing markers on the ground for fans to follow leading into: the ballpark (ticket gates), bathrooms, concessions stands, and more.
Ballpark Sanitation
The Nuts will implement a fully developed Operations Cleaning Guide which shall include set up and tear down cleaning, routine cleaning and maintenance, and game day/event cleaning.
The Nuts have invested in top-of-the-line cleaning equipment and products to be used on porous surfaces including, without limitation, concrete concourse and seating. This shall be a standard process that will be repeated throughout the season beginning prior to Opening Day.
Restrooms will be cleaned with top-of-the-line cleaning equipment and products on a daily basis and throughout ballgames/events. Doors to the restrooms shall be propped open to encourage touchless entry and exit (except for the family and suite level restroom).
High traffic and confined spaces will be thoroughly cleaned with top-of-the-line cleaning equipment and products on a routine basis and throughout ballgames/events, with a particular focus on high touch surfaces in an effort to ensure the health and safety of John Thurman Field patrons and staff. Elevator capacity shall be limited to ONE family.
All staff engaging in cleaning of the ballpark will be required to wear protective gloves and masks at all times.
Ticket Purchases
- As a general practice, Box Office will be closed during game nights. Box Office will be open until 5pm (Monday-Friday) throughout the week. Any online orders will be sent to the fan; with options for text, email, or print. Click for full Mobile Instructions or Web Instructions
- To scan your ticket, fans have the option to bring up their tickets via phone or print at home.
- Spacing markers will promote proper distancing between customers waiting in lines.
- Single-game tickets are being sold month-by-month (Red Tier). MVP Member (season ticket/ mini plan holders) will have access to the new month of games prior to the general public.
Food and Beverage Policies
The Nuts will put the following food and beverage protocols in place:
- Staff members will adhere to the most recent guidelines in regards to the use of face coverings and gloves for the safety of our staff and fans.
- Staff will be assigned to disinfect surfaces before, during, and after events.
- The Nuts are putting a high priority on cashless payment options as this will limit direct contact between employees and guests.
- Additional enhancements will be added as necessary under the guidance of state and local agencies.
Fan Experience
Kids Zone
- The Valley Children's Healthcare Kids Zone will be closed (Red Tier)
- Restrooms will be sanitized frequently with disinfectant along all surfaces on a regular basis.
- Spacing markers will promote proper distancing between customers entering and exiting the restrooms.
Team Store
- Capacity within the Team Store will be limited to 50% capacity at a time with a one-out one-in policy.
- The queue to the Team Store will be set up outside of the store doors and monitored by a staff member.
- All Team Store staff shall wear face masks.
- The Team Store will be arranged to maximize space and flow of customers.
- The Nuts are putting a high priority on cashless payment options as this will limit direct contact between employees and guests.
Promotions/On-Field Activities
- To start the season autograph sessions with players will not be permitted.
- To start the season players will not be permitted to throw baseballs or other items into seating areas.
- Traditional on-field between-inning promotions will now take place in different areas of John Thurman Field and streamed live to the video board.
- All between-inning promotions will abide by proper distancing guidelines.
- Ceremonial First Pitches will be converted to virtual activations. Recording will be conducted the Monday prior to each homestand, a set time will be communicated by your account representative.
- The National Anthem performer will be relocated.