
Scooter the Holy Cow
Scooter the Holy Cow, inspired by Phil Rizzuto and his famous tagline, has served as the team's primary mascot since the inaugrial season in 1999. Scooter can be found entertaining fans in the stands and on the field all game long. While the team is on the road, Scoots grazes on the outfield grass, keeping it in perfect playing condition for the Baby Bombers. Scooter spends the offseason making visits in Staten Island, keeping the Staten Island Yankee spirit alive across the city. Make sure to follow Scooter the Holy Cow on Facebook and Twitter, and if you're 12 year or younger, join Scooter's Kids Club!
The brother of Scooter the Holy Cow, Red debuted as the team's secondary mascot in 2003 when Scooter went to the disabled list for a brief stint. Red can be found pulling pranks around the ballpark during the summer and hanging out with his buddies in the Pinstripe Patrol.
The former Newark Bears mascot, named after Effa Manley (the first woman inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame), was adopted by the Staten Island Yankees following the closing of the Newark Bears. Effa can be found at the ballpark making friends with her new Staten Island fans and reuniting with her pals from New Jersey.