Here is Everything You Need to Know for Your Next Visit to Arvest Ballpark
Many of the most commonly asked questions concerning attending a Northwest Arkansas Naturals game at Arvest Ballpark can be answered by consulting the "Ballpark A to Z" Guide to Arvest Ballpark. If there is a question you have that is not answered below, please feel free to call our main offices at (479) 927-4900, email us at, or visit Guest Services during the game.
Arvest Ballpark is located at the corner of Gene George Blvd and Watkins in Springdale. The address at Arvest Ballpark is 3000 Gene George Blvd., Springdale, AR 72762. For information about upcoming events, directions to the ballpark or to contact our Administrative Office, please email or give us a call at (479) 927-4900.
Tickets to upcoming events at Arvest Ballpark can be purchased multiple ways:
In Person:
Tickets may be purchased at the Arvest Ballpark Ticket Office, located at the Main Entrance to Arvest Ballpark. Regular business hours during our event season are as follows:
Monday – Friday – 12pm – 5pm
Gameday Saturdays – 12pm – end of 7th inning
Gameday Sundays – 12pm – end of 7th inning
Non-gameday weekends – closed
***There are no refunds or exchanges for individual game tickets.
Arkansas State liquor laws prohibit guests from bringing alcoholic beverages into Arvest Ballpark. The only alcohol permitted on the premises must be purchased and/or dispensed by authorized servers. Guests will be required to show approved identification. Alcohol beverage sales will be cut off at the end of the 7th inning during a baseball game and at designated times during concerts and other events.
Guests may seek autographs from players and coaches from the time the gates open until 15 minutes prior to game time. The autograph areas are located on the outer sides of both the home and visiting dugouts. Please be courteous and respectful to the players and coaches as well as guests possessing tickets in autograph areas. If you are seeking autographs in a seating section other than your own, you may be asked to proceed to your designated seating section. No autographs will be given during the game, so fans are asked to make their request during pre-game or after the game concludes.
There is an Arvest ATM machine located at Arvest Ballpark next to the Naturals Team Store. Please note Arvest Ballpark is a cashless facility. Credit, Debit or Mobile Payments only inside the ballpark. Gift cards are available for purchase in the Team Store.
All bags are subject to search upon entry and within the ballpark. Only clear bags are allowed and the guidelines for such bags are FOUND HERE
Naturals Baseball is a family-oriented experience, and we ask that the behavior of our fans be in accordance with this atmosphere. Therefore, the use of disruptive and vulgar language or gestures is prohibited. Furthermore, fans may be asked to leave the ballpark without refund if they are wearing clothing or possess signs with obscene or derogatory words or messages. If the behavior of another fan is interrupting your enjoyment of visiting Arvest Ballpark, please visit Guest Services, contact ballpark security, an usher, or Naturals staff member so the situation can be corrected immediately.
The Naturals can help celebrate a birthday or anniversary reading a message during the game or showing those celebrating live on the videoboard during the game. For more information about birthday, anniversary and other celebratory messages, please see Guest Services upon arrival at the game.
When not at Arvest Ballpark, guests can enjoy Naturals games via our STREAMING FEED
Guests are welcome to bring video cameras into Arvest Ballpark as long as the equipment does not interfere with another guest's enjoyment of the game. Camera bags are not permitted unless you are a credentialed media member. Guests wishing to use equipment that requires the use of a tripod at a fixed position must contact the Naturals' PR Department prior to arrival and may be issued a credential. Fans may not reproduce or rebroadcast any film or video tape shot at the stadium for any commercial use of without written permission of the Naturals and Major League Baseball.
Arvest Ballpark is a cashless facility. Credit, Debit or Mobile Payments only inside the ballpark. Gift cards are available for purchase in the Team Store.
Children three years and under do not need a ticket for entry into Arvest Ballpark. However, they must sit on the lap of an accompanying adult. Children four (4) years old and over require a ticket for admittance to the ballpark.
The Northwest Arkansas Naturals expect to foster a reputation as a proactive, accessible, and benevolent member of our community. To request a donation, please CLICK HERE
The Northwest Arkansas Naturals Food Service Partner, Patina Restaurant Group, manages several fixed and portable concession stands at Arvest Ballpark. A variety of items are available, and we also have various specials at certain games. CLICK HERE for details on what you can find at our concession stands.
Information on Daily Promotions can be found on our PROMOTIONAL SCHEDULE
Naturals season tickets, ticket packages, and day of game tickets are available digitally through the My Tickets platform. CLICK HERE to access your tickets, along with tutorials to assist you in using the platform.
Arvest Ballpark meets all structural and service requirements as stipulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following services are available to accommodate the needs of our disabled guests:
There is a drop-off zone located at the main entrance to the ballpark where guests may drop off and pick up their passengers.
Disabled Parking
A limited number of on-site disabled parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis in on the North side of the ballpark right in front of the ticket office. The charge to park in that area is $6. If you have questions about our disabled parking, please call (479) 927-4900.
Disabled Seating
Wheelchair and companion seating is offered on every level and in all price categories of the ballpark. Every seating section is wheelchair accessible and electric outlets are provided at many of the wheelchair seating areas for use in charging power wheelchairs and electronic communication devices.
Arvest Ballpark has one public elevator, and it is found on the Concourse Level adjacent to Section 110 and is located in the McNaughton Real Estate Community Room lobby. This elevator accesses the Field Level and Suite Level. During events, the elevator will access the concourse and suite level only. Field level access is restricted. If you may require elevator access to the field level, please visit Guest Services for additional assistance.
Guests may leave Arvest Ballpark at any time through any of the exit gates. Guests may re-enter the ballpark only after obtaining a re-entry stamp from an attendant at any of the exit gates.
Please refer to the ballpark map for family restroom locations. We have 1 on our 1b concourse in our women’s restroom as well as 1 in our 3b concourse near the men’s room. There is another located inside Guest Services. All family restrooms are equipped with baby changing stations and are wheelchair accessible.
Cards and letters to players and personnel can be sent to:
Northwest Arkansas Naturals
C/O Player's Name
P.O. Box 6817
Springdale, AR 72766
Please be advised that items sent through the mail to be signed are done so at your own risk. Though reasonable precautions will be taken, the Northwest Arkansas Naturals players, management and staff are not responsible if an item is not returned.
In accordance MLB rules, only authorized personnel with proper credentials will be permitted on the field before, during or after a game or event. Any unauthorized person who travels onto the field will be removed from Arvest Ballpark and subject to arrest and prosecution.
First Aid is provided by Northwest Health and located at the Guest Services Center adjacent to Section 114. If first aid assistance is needed, please go to the First Aid, or contact the nearest Naturals staff member.
Ballpark rules state that guests are not allowed to bring any outside food items into Arvest Ballpark. If a medical exception is required, we advise you to call in advance of the game you plan to attend. Fans are allowed to bring in one (1) sealed clear plastic water bottle to the game that they attend. The Naturals organization is sensitive to the needs of fans that deal with food allergies. Please note that gluten-free food options at several concession stands. Please be advised: Because Arvest Ballpark is an open-air facility, there is unfortunately no way to guarantee that any area of the ballpark be protected from such items as peanuts or peanut shells that may cause an allergic reaction in some fans.
Guests may keep any balls hit into the stands. Batted balls can be dangerous, so we ask that guest's stay alert at all times. When attempting to catch a foul or home run ball please do not interfere with the game in progress and be respectful of other guests. At no time should a foul or home run ball be thrown back on the field. Guests who fail to adhere to these rules face immediate ejection from Arvest Ballpark and will be subject to arrest and prosecution.
The Naturals policy regarding fan giveaways is one (1) item per ticketed fan. If you hold multiple tickets, you will need to collect your one (1) item, and exit the park to get back in line. Items will not be given away in multiples or bulk. For more information about our promotions, please CLICK HERE
The Naturals offer a variety of group opportunities to accommodate groups of all sizes. For more information or to book a group outing, email or CLICK HERE
Guest Services is located on the Concourse Level adjacent to Section 114 and is open when ballpark gates open and remains so until the conclusion of each game. Guests will find a number of different services including advance ticket purchases, lost, and found, prize retrieval, as well as the location of Northwest Health first aid services.
Kids 12 and under can now register to be a member of the Northwest Arkansas Naturals' EXCLUSIVE kids club—The Kids Club presented by J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.! If you would like to sign your child up for the Naturals Kids Club VISIT HERE
The Arvest Ballpark Kids Zone is located down the left field line and features numerous inflatables, Little Arvest Ballpark, a mini-golf course and the Arvest Ballpark Train for kids 12 and under. Single play tokens can be purchased in that area, or an unlimited play wristband for the inflatables games. Arvest Ballpark is a cashless facility. Credit, Debit or Mobile Payments only inside the ballpark.
A free kids playground is also located behind the batter’s eye in centerfield.
Arvest Ballpark has two (2) general admission lawn seating areas, the Werther’s Original Grass Berm area is located in Right Field and down the Left Field line. Tickets for these areas may be purchased in advance or on the day of the event, however seating in these areas is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Guests are permitted to bring towels, blankets, and small lawn chairs for use in these areas; however, beach style chairs, chaise lounges and lounge style chairs will not be permitted. Umbrellas may be used to provide shade in the lawn area, however in consideration of the safety and sight lines of others; we ask that guests using umbrellas sit in the upper portion of the lawn areas. In the event that an umbrella interferes with the view of another guest, you will be asked to close the umbrella. The Naturals reserve the right to refuse any chair or umbrella deemed inappropriate due to size or otherwise.
Items found in or around Arvest Ballpark during events should be turned into Guest Services located on the Concourse Level adjacent to Section 114. Any items found in or around Arvest Ballpark during regular business hours should be turned in to the Administrative Offices. All lost and found items will be tagged and stored for 30 days. Every effort will be made to return the item to its owner. If an item has been stored for 30 days and has not been claimed, it may then be given to charity or otherwise disposed of.
Lost and found items can be picked up at the Administrative Office by calling 479-927-4900
If you notice an area of the ballpark, you feel needs to be repaired, please stop by Guest Services by Section 114 where your request will be documented and forwarded to our ballpark operations team.
Official Naturals merchandise can be purchased at the Naturals Team Store located near the main entrance of Arvest Ballpark. The team store is open at 12pm on gamedays and remains open until the end of the game. Periodically on gamedays you may need to stop at the Ticket Office to get assistance in our Team Store. Merchandise is also available online HERE
Naturals season tickets, ticket packages, and day of game tickets are available digitally through the My Tickets platform. CLICK HERE to access your tickets, along with tutorials to assist you in using the platform.
Fans wishing to participate in on-field games should contact our promotions team upon entry into the ballpark. Most games are signed up at random during the first 30 minutes after we open gates. Fans will be required to sign a waiver prior to participating in on-field promotions.
Arvest Ballpark has numerous on-site parking spaces. It is $6 to park per vehicle and it is a self-park facility.
Pets are not permitted in the ballpark except for fans requiring the use of approved service animals, or during our "Bark in The Ballpark" games. On that day, dogs will be allowed into Arvest Ballpark with an owner with a paid ticket.
In the interest of guest safety and enjoyment, Arvest Ballpark Management reserves the right to prevent certain items from being brought into Arvest Ballpark. The following includes, but is not limited to, items that are not allowed into Arvest Ballpark: 1. Alcohol beverages or illegal drugs 2. Non-alcohol beer 3. Food items 4. Glass bottles or cans 5. Ice chests, Yeti-style insulated tumbler cups (even if empty) or hard-sided coolers 6. Camera tripods 7. Sticks, regulation-size bats, or clubs (including signs attached to sticks) 8. Fireworks 9. Bullhorns or other noisemakers 10. Confetti 11. Beach balls or other inflatables 12. Bicycles 13. Skateboards or roller blades 14. Laser devices and pointers 15. Toy guns and knives (including water guns) 16. Firearms or other weapons (e.g., knives) 17. Unmanned aerial vehicles
There are two types of cancellations of Naturals games due to adverse weather conditions:
Game in progress postponed prior to becoming an official game: If this occurs while you are at the ballpark, keep your ticket stub and redeem it at the ticket office for a future game subject to availability and excluding special events. Please be advised, this transaction does not have to take place on the day the game is postponed. By MLB rules, five innings (or four and a half innings if the home team is leading the game) constitutes a complete game and no ticket refunds or rain checks will be issued.
Game postponed before gates open: If this occurs, keep your whole ticket, and exchange it at the ticket office for a future game of your choice (same season only), subject to availability and excluding special events.
According to MLB Rules, the home team is the sole judge of the conditions of the playing field, prior to the start of the game. After the game begins, the umpire-in-chief shall be the sole judge as to whether and when play shall be suspended during a game because of unsuitable weather conditions or the unfit condition of the playing field; as to whether and when the play shall be resumed after such suspension; and as to whether and when a game shall be terminated after such suspension.
The City of Springdale and the Naturals prohibit the resale of tickets on Arvest Ballpark property. This includes Arvest Ballpark, as well as all surrounding grounds and parking areas.
Guests will find men's, women’s, and family restrooms on all levels of Arvest Ballpark. Locations of these restrooms are as follows: adjacent to both Sections 104-105, Sections 118-119 and all private suites are equipped with private restrooms.
For the safety of our guests, security is provided by the Springdale Police Department and present during all Naturals games and special events. If you have an emergency, please contact the nearest Police Officer or a Naturals staff member.
Arvest Ballpark is a 100% Smoke Free Facility. Smoking is not permitted in any of the seating areas, the concourses or suite level, before, during or after the game. This includes the use of Vapor Cigarettes or 'E Cigarettes' and the use of chewing tobacco. Fans can exit the ballpark to use tobacco outside the gates and return, so long as they abide by all entry policies.
For the safety of all guests, weapons of any kind are not permitted in Arvest Ballpark. Guests wishing to enter the ballpark for a game or event consent to a reasonable search for weapons before entering. Failure to comply with the above conditions will be denied admittance or may be ejected. No refunds or exchanges will be allowed in such an event.