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The Voyagers, and their alien mascot Orbit, take their name from a famous UFO sighting in 1950 when the General Manager of the Great Falls Electrics, Nick Mariana, saw some film footage of two spinning silver objects at high-speed passing over Great Falls. The 16 second video helped set off a frenzy of UFO investigations.

The team has played continuously in the PBL since 1969, and before that from 1948-1963. The Voyagers had been affiliated with the Dodgers (1952-1963, 1982-2002), the Giants (1969-1983) and the White Sox (2003-2020).

Notable former players are Pedro Martinez, Erik Karros, Bob Brenly and Bobby Cox.

Visit Great Falls:

Great Falls is noted for its art scene, with murals and statues throughout the downtown, its own symphony and a “Mermaid Show” at the Sip and Dip Lounge. The area is known for fishing, hiking, biking, birding, floating, kayaking, canoeing, and there are trails nearby perfect for hiking and biking.

Great Falls Fun Facts:

  • Great Falls was the first known community in Montana to elect an African American. In 1894, William M. Morgan was elected to one of two open constable positions.
  • Great Falls had the first woman newspaper editor in Montana.