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Four-legged Bees fans are invited to bring their humans to Smith's Ballpark for Bark in the Park!

This season there are five chances to bring your favorite canine to Smith's Ballpark -

  • June 5
  • June 23
  • August 21
  • September 8
  • September 22 SOLD OUT

Each Bark in the Park package is $35 and includes one human ticket, one dog ticket and a Bees branded doggie bandana. Additional human tickets are just $14 each. All seats will be general admission for seating on the left field berm.

Please review the rules and regulations below.

Bark In The Park Info

  • In order to access the ballpark with your fury friend, all customers with dogs must purchase a Bark in the Park ticket package. If you don't have a Bark in the Park ticket package and a signed wavier you won't gain access to Smith's Ballpark.
  • All customers that have purchased this offer will need to access the ballpark through a special entrance on Main Street.
  • We will have a designated roped off area in our Left Field Berm where dogs and their owners can watch the game. All of our private Main Street Gardens picnic areas will also be open to dogs and their owners to relax, eat, drink and cool down. Pet relief stations and water stations will be provided in this area.
  • Please download the waiver and bring a signed copy with you to gain access to the ballpark. If you don't have a signed waiver, you will not be allowed entry into the ballpark.

Required Vaccinations and Important Details

  • Owner is responsible for bagging and disposing of any waste created by their dog.
  • Dogs must be on a physical leash at all times – the leash should be no longer than 6 feet long.
  • Owners are responsible for the actions of their dog, including any sort of injury or damage caused by the dog.
  • All dogs must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Any dogs acting inappropriately will be asked to leave by staff.
  • Walk with only one dog per person.
  • Do not bring a dog that is in season.
  • Bring your dog only if he/she enjoys being around other people and other dogs.
  • Dog owners will sign a release of liability stating that the dog’s vaccinations from a licensed vet are current. The waiver/release will hold the dog owner responsible for any and all liability in the event of an incident. Download the waiver here.

The following is a list of vaccinations that are required.

  • Rabies
  • DHLP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Para influenza)
  • Parvo
  • Bordatella

Is My Dog Right For Bark In The Park

Yes, if your dog:

  • Is old enough to be around other dogs and people (at least six months old).
  • Is up-to-date on all required vaccinations listed above.
  • Is in relatively good health and can walk up and down several flights of stairs.
  • Does well on a leash and is not overly aggressive toward other dogs.
  • Is friendly toward humans and not excessively fearful.

Probably not, if your dog:

  • Is still too young to mix with a big crowd (under six months old).
  • Is a senior dog that would have trouble navigating stairs and being outside for an extended period of time.
  • Has aggressive tendencies toward other dogs or humans while on or off a leash.
  • Is exhibiting any signs of illness close to the day of the game (i.e. cough, nasal discharge, lethargy, diarrhea, etc.) because these symptoms can be signs of potentially infectious illnesses, so it would be best for your dog and other dogs if he or she does not attend.
  • Is a female dog in heat.
  • Older dogs, dogs with short muzzles, and/or dogs in general that are quickly prone to heat exhaustion should consider not attending this event or possibly plan on not staying for the entire game even though there will be cool water and shady spots. The direct sun and heat can be a deadly combination for dogs. Dogs cool themselves down by panting and are not nearly as efficient as we humans. Please keep the comfort and safety of your dog in the forefront of your mind when planning on this fun day at the park!

Release and Waiver

No toys (including but not limited to frisbees, balls, chews, or ropes) are allowed. PROHIBITED DOGS/DOG BREEDS: Wolf; Wolf Hybrids; Mixed Breed of the Foregoing; Dog(s) with Prior Incident of Biting/Attacking/Setting Upon Another Person or Animal; Dog(s) with Vicious Temper

I/We, the participants, fully understand, appreciate, and agree that I/we am/are voluntarily requesting to participate in the “Bark in the Park” Event (the “Event”) at Smith’s Ballpark in Salt Lake City, Utah (the “Ballpark”), which will involve my/our attendance and the attendance of my/our dog(s) of which I/we have custody and/or other dogs in the custody of others. I/We acknowledge, agree, and represent that if we attend the Event with my/our dog(s), I/we have, or will immediately upon entering and continuously thereafter, inspect the Left Centerfield Berm (“Berm”) & Main Street Gardens Picnic Areas, where I/we will be permitted to watch the game with my/our dog(s) and determine that it is safe and suitable for the participation of my/our dog(s) in the Event and further agree and warrant that if, at any time, I/we determine anything to be unsafe, including the threat from other dogs participating in the Event, I/we will immediately advise as Ballpark official of such unsafe condition(s) and will leave the Ballpark with my/our dog(s). I/we understand that this inspection will include walking from the parking lot to the Berm.

I/We acknowledge that the activities of the Event can be dangerous and could involve the risk of serious injury, death, or damage to me/us, my/our minor children, my/our dog(s), others, and others’ dogs. I/we acknowledge that any injuries received may be compounded or increased by negligent rescue operations or procedures of the Released Parties identified below.

I/We understand that my/our actions and the actions of the dog(s) of which I/we have custody and/or control during the Event or dogs in the custody and/or control of other participants may result in injuries and damages to myself/ourselves and others, whether anticipated or unanticipated, or foreseeable or unforeseeable, including my/our dog(s) as well as dogs of others by participating in this Event, including but not limited to human injury, death, and property damage, as well as injury, death and property damage to dogs. I/We agree to abide by any decision of any Ballpark official relevant to my/our ability or the ability of the dog(s) which I/we have custody or control to participate in this Event safely, and I/we further agree that Ballpark officials may authorize necessary treatment for me/us and/or the dog(s) in my/our custody or control.

I/We HEREBY ASSUME ALL OF THE RISKS OF PARTICIPATING IN ANY AND ALL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE EVENT, including but not limited to illness, traveling to and from the Event, falls, contact with spectators at the Event, injuries or damages of any kind, including death sustained by and through other participant dogs, the effects of the weather including extreme heat, and/or condition of the premises and the Ballpark, including but not limited to sidewalks and parking lots.

I/We confirm and represent that my/our dog(s) has/have current Rabies, Distemper, Parvo, and Bordetella vaccinations, is/are in good health, is/are able to tolerate the presence of crowds and other dogs and is/are not dangerous or aggressive towards people or other dogs. I/We agree to abide by all the rules and instructions given in connection with this Event.

I/We assume the risk for injuries and damages sustained as a result of the manner and method by which the Event is administered.
In consideration for allowing me/us to participate in this Event, either with my/our dog(s) or attending the event without a pet, I/we, on behalf of myself/ourselves, my/our dog(s), and for any minor child accompanying me/us to the Event, and all of our respective heirs, legatees, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, or anyone acting on our behalf, HEREBY FOREVER WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE Bees Baseball Inc, (The “Salt Lake Bees”), Smith’s Ballpark and all of their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, related entities, sponsors, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, officials, partners, managers and shareholders, independent contractors, and other personnel or entities in any way assisting or connected with this Event (together, the “Released Parties”) from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, proceedings, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (in all cases including reasonable attorneys’ fees), of any kind or nature, for any accident, harm, bodily injury (up to and including death), illness, injury to or death of a dog, and/or loss of or damage to property that relate to or arise in any way from attendance at or participation in the Event, including traveling to and from the Event, by me/us, my/our dog(s), and/or any minor child accompanying me/us, whether caused by the negligent acts, omissions, or conduct of the Released Parties or otherwise (“Claims”).

I/We FURTHER COVENANT NOT TO SUE or otherwise pursue any form of recovery or legal action, including arbitration, against any of the Released Parties and arising from or relating to any Claims.

I/We further agree that I/we am/are solely responsible for any and all claims, demands, causes of action, lawsuits, proceedings, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (in all cases including reasonable attorneys’ fees), of any kind or nature, for any accident, harm, bodily injury (up to and including death), illness, injury to or death of a dog, or loss of or damage to property made by any third party that relate to arise in any way, whether in whole or in part, from attendance at or participation in the Event by me/us, my/our dog(s), and/or any minor child accompanying me/us (“Third Party Claims”). In particular, I/we agree to pay all cleaning or repair costs resulting from any damage to the Ballpark caused by me/us, my/our minor child, or my/our dog(s). I/We FURTHER AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, DEFEND, AND INDEMNIFY any of the Released Parties from any and all Third Party Claims made against any of the Released Parties that relate to or arise in any way, whether in whole or in part, from attendance at or participation in the Event by me/us, my/our dog(s), and/or any minor child accompanying me/us.

I/We agree that the Salt Lake Bees or their designees may, without further compensation, photograph and/or record me/us and/or any minor child and/or dog(s) that accompany me/us to the Event by video or other electronic means before, during, and at the Event, and grant the Salt Lake Bees or their designees, without further compensation, an unrestricted, worldwide license in perpetuity to use, without further notification, the name, voice, image, likeness, actions and statements captured before, during, or at the Event of me/us and/or any minor child and/or dog(s) that accompany me/us to the Event, for any purpose, including but not limited to advertising, promotional or commercial purposes, in any media known or hereafter developed.

I/We represent, for both me/us and my/our minor child(ren), that I/we am/are at least eighteen (18) years of age, and I/we am/are competent to sign and agree to this Waiver, Release of Claims, Covenant Not To Sue, Indemnification, and License with full understanding of the above information. In addition, I/we represent that I/we am/are legally authorized to sign this document on behalf of any accompanying minor child(ren).

The undersigned participant further expressly agrees that this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of Utah and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.