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The Official Site of the Daytona Tortugas Daytona Tortugas

Daytona Tortugas Education Programs

The Daytona Tortugas pride themselves on building robust partnerships with local schools and have established a formal partnership with Volusia County Schools.

Teacher Appreciation Night

Summer Reading Program

The Summer Home Run Reading Challenge presented by Shelldon and the Superintendent: This voluntary program encourages elementary and middle school students across the district to read throughout the summer. The program’s goal is to help local students read 1 million minutes. Incentives for students include a ticket to a Tortugas game as well as prizes from local businesses.

High School Ambassadors Program

High school students from across Volusia County apply each year to be selected for this prestigious program, which offers participants the opportunity to explore careers in the sports and entertainment business. Ambassadors meet regularly with Tortugas staff and also gain professional experience by creating and executing real-world projects with the Tortugas organization.

Additional Educational Resources

Community Relations Contact Information

Bobby Latmore, Community Relations & Outside Events Manager

Direct Line : (386) 271-8736

Email : [email protected]