Welcome to Lou E's Kids Club page! Lou E. Loon has teamed up with his friends at MyMichigan Health to form a new club that's all about having fun with his friends, while being active! With MyMichigan's help, Lou E. hopes to provide kids with information, resources, and tools that teaches them that being active and healthy can be fun too.
Kids ages 4-12 can have a parent or guardian sign them up to join Lou E.'s Kids Club for free!
After signing up, watch for your email for invitations to exclusive Kids Club events, as well as information on the Loons' Facebook.
Free Kids Club
• Invitations to exclusive Kids Club events
• Exclusive access to in-park Kids Club perks
• Free Kids Club backpack
• Free Kids Club badge and lanyard
<b> NEW </b> MVP Kids Club
Includes everything in the Free Kids Club, plus:
• Tickets to 5 Sunday games:
• Invite to Lou E. Loon's pre-game birthday party on Sunday, August 13th
• Just $30 to join
Be A Part of Kids Club Takeover!
Presented by MyMichigan HealthCalling all Kids Club Members! It’s your turn to take over the ballpark and run the show!
Does your Kid talk a lot? They could be our on-field host or P.A. Announcer! Does your Kid have a ton of energy? They could be part of the Fun Flock! Does your Kid play in the dirt? They could be a Junior Grounds Crew Member!
Tell us why your Kid would be a perfect part of our Kids Club Takeover days in the notes section below for their chance to participate in the shenanigans!
Kids Club members selected to participate will receive 2 FREE lawn tickets to the game and a FREE Loons hat!
*If your child is already a member of Lou E. Loon's Kids Club, they do not need to re-register to participate in the Kids Club Takeover.