Celebrate your all-star's birthday with 12 or more of their closest friends at Atrium Health Ballpark!
Cannon Ballers Birthday Parties are a great summer option that you can't get anywhere else! Contact Geri Kohn at (704) 935-1538 or at gkohn@kcballers.com to set up your party today!
Each Birthday Package Includes:
- 1 Reserved game ticket per person
- A reserved party space
- Pizza Hut pizza, canned drinks and cookie dessert
- Plates, napkins and utensils
Our Birthday Gift to you:
- Honorary play ball kid on the field before the game
- A free 'Happy Birthday' scoreboard message in game
- A free Kannapolis Cannon Ballers birthday pin
$25 per person, 12 person minimum
Additional Birthday Party Information:
- Birthday gifts are welcome but we do ask they be placed in gift bags for security purposes
- Birthday cakes are also welcome, we ask that you please notify your ticket representative if you are planning on bringing one in