AutoZone Park A to Z
We are excited to have you at AutoZone Park!
Many of the most commonly-asked questions concerning AutoZone Park and attending Memphis Redbirds games can be answered by consulting this "Ballpark A to Z" Guide. The information is presented in alphabetical order for your ease of use.
If there is a question that is not answered below, please call our main offices at (901) 721-6000, visit FansFirst during the game, or the box office windows prior to entering the ballpark.
The Redbirds staff and management takes pride in our customer service and ensuring each and every guest enjoys their trip to AutoZone Park.
Please allow ample time to enter the stadium. Metal detectors will be in use at all gates, and all bags are subject to search.
Tennessee State liquor laws prohibit guests from bringing alcohol beverages into AutoZone Park. The only alcohol permitted on the premises must be purchased and/or dispensed by authorized servers. Guests who appear to be under the age of 30 will be required to show approved identification. Alcohol beverage sales will be cut off at the end of the 7th inning during a baseball game and at designated times during concerts and other events. Alcohol will be served at AutoZone Park on Sundays. Patrons may not take alcoholic beverages with them when leaving AutoZone Park. All alcoholic beverages must stay on the premises.
Only service animals will be allowed into AutoZone Park, except when the Redbirds host "Bark in the Park Day" at AutoZone Park. At this game, dogs will be allowed in certain areas of the ballpark. All other animals are prohibited at all times.
There are no ATM machines located inside AutoZone Park.
Baby changing stations are located inside every restroom at AutoZone Park. Please refer to the stadium map for restroom locations.
In the interest of employee safety and to expedite security screenings, ONLY CLEAR BAGS WILL BE ALLOWED. NO LARGER THAN 12” X 6” X 12” OR A ONE (1) GALLON CLEAR PLASTIC BAG. Clutch bags/purses smaller than 4.5” x 6.5” do not need to be clear.
Banners and signs may not be hung by fans at AutoZone Park as they interfere with the game in progress and can obstruct the view of other guests. Fans are permitted to bring small signs (4 sq. feet in size or smaller) to hold up from their seat as long as they do not obstruct the view of other fans. The Redbirds reserve the right to remove any banners or signs at their discretion.
Guests can view warm ups when the gates open. Be sure to arrive as soon as the gates open and catch all the pregame action. Unfortunately, Redbirds batting practice occurs over two hours before the game and is closed to the public.
The Redbirds can help celebrate a birthday or anniversary by displaying the occasion on our state-of-the-art videoboard during the game. For more information about birthday, anniversary and other celebratory messages please call (901) 721-6000 or visit the link HERE.
Fans can enjoy listening to all Memphis Redbirds games live at or on the FirstPitch app.
Bus parking/motor home parking is subject to availability through the city. Please call (901) 721-6000 for assistance.
Guests are welcome to bring still and hand-held video cameras into AutoZone Park as long as the equipment does not interfere with another guest's enjoyment of the game. Any video equipment that needs a tri-pod to operate is not permitted at AutoZone Park. The camera and video equipment policy is subject to change at anytime without notice.
The Team Store and all concession stands throughout AutoZone Park are completely cashless. All locations accept all major credit/debit cards as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Age Restrictions: Children two years of age and under ("lap babies") do not need a ticket for entry into AutoZone Park. However, they must sit on the lap of an accompanying adult. Children three years old and over require a ticket for admittance to the ballpark.
AutoZone Park and its employees are committed to providing our guests with an enjoyable, safe atmosphere. Our staff will proactively intervene to support a family oriented environment where all guests can enjoy the baseball experience free from the following behaviors:
- Foul or abusive language or gestures and noisemakers
- Intoxication or other signs of impairment
- Displays of affection not appropriate in a public, family setting
- Obscene or indecent clothing
- Any disruption to the progress of the game by guest's actions or unauthorized person on the playing field
- Guests seated in a location other than their ticketed seat
- Smoking or tobacco use in non-designated areas
If someone interferes with your enjoyment of a game, please contact the nearest Redbirds representative or visit the FansFirst kiosk directly behind Section 100.
The Memphis Redbirds expect to foster a reputation as a proactive, accessible, and benevolent member of our community. We provide support for local organizations with fundraising opportunities, charitable giving, and also with our RBI program. For more information on our Community Relations department, contact our office at (901) 721-6000.
AutoZone Park meets all structural and service requirements as stipulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following services are available to accommodate the needs of our disabled guests:
There is a drop-off zone located at the main entrance to the ballpark (B.B. King Blvd. & Union Ave.) where guests may drop off and pick up their passengers.
Disabled Parking
A limited number of disabled parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the Toyota parking garage which is just north of the main entrance of AutoZone Park on the corner of 3rd and Madison St. There are also other various parking garages with disabled parking located within close proximity to AutoZone Park.
Disabled Seating
Wheelchair and companion seating is offered on the concourse in the Cub, Dugout, and Field Box seating.
AutoZone Park has two public elevators located on the Concourse Level in the VIP Lounge directly to the right of the FansFirst kiosk. These elevators access all levels, including the Press and Club Level of the ballpark.
Drones ARE NOT allowed to be flown over, or around, AutoZone Park.
AutoZone Park has two public elevators located on the Concourse Level in the VIP lounge directly to the right of the FansFirst booth. These elevators access all levels, including the Press and Club Level of the ballpark.
Situations that require a guest or individual to be paged may be brought to the attention of the FansFirst kiosk located directly behind Section 100.
Guests may leave AutoZone Park at any time through any of the exit gates. Guests may not re-enter the stadium except with special pass-out permissions. Please see the FansFirst kiosk with any questions.
Please refer to the ballpark map for family restroom locations. All family restrooms are equipped with baby changing stations and are wheelchair accessible.
Cards and letters to players and personnel can be sent to:
Memphis Redbirds
c/o Player's Name
198 Union Avenue
Memphis, TN 38103
Please be advised that items sent through the mail to be signed are done so at your own risk and should include a stamped return envelope. Though reasonable precautions will be taken, the Memphis Redbirds players, management and staff are not responsible if an item is not returned.
The FansFirst kiosk is located on the concourse level directly behind Section 100 and is open approximately one (1) hour prior to the game and closes approximately 1/2 hour after the game's conclusion. Guests will find a number of services including discounted ticket offers, sign-ups, lost and found, prize retrieval, and taxi assistance.
In accordance with International League rules, only authorized personnel with proper credentials will be permitted on the field before, during, or after a game or event. Any unauthorized person who travels onto the field will be removed from AutoZone Park and subject to arrest and prosecution. To request a press pass or field access pass, please contact our Marketing and Communications department at (901) 722-0254.
First Aid is located at the Security Office just to the right of the FansFirst kiosk, directly behind Section 100. If first aid assistance is needed, please go to First Aid or contact the nearest Redbirds staff member or usher.
Guests are not allowed to bring any outside food or drink items into AutoZone Park. However, patrons are permitted to bring certain food or drink with them for specific medical conditions and formula for babies. Items needed to be kept cool may be brought in a small, soft-sided cooler which is subject to search. Empty water bottles are allowed and may be filled at water fountains throughout the stadium.
Guests may keep any baseballs hit into the stands. Batted balls can be dangerous, so we ask that guests please stay alert at all times. When attempting to catch a foul or home run ball, please do not interfere with the game in progress and be respectful of other guests. At no time should a foul or home run ball be thrown back on to the field. Guests who fail to adhere to these rules face immediate ejection from AutoZone Park and will be subject to arrest and prosecution.
There are three entrances to AutoZone Park: the Main Entrance (On the corner of B.B. King Blvd. & Union Ave.), Monroe Ave. gate and 4th St. gate. Gates will open one hour prior to the start of a baseball game and at designated times for all other events.
Fans by themselves purchasing multiple tickets to a giveaway night will have one ticket scanned, then must return to the end of the entry line and proceed through the line again, before having the next one scanned.
Guests are NOT permitted to bring hard-sided or soft-sided ice chests or coolers into AutoZone Ballpark. An exception will be made on a case-by-case basis for a small, soft-sided cooler intended for baby or medical items, which are subject to search. Please see gate attendants for questions about these items or other special needs to be kept cool during the event. All prohibited items should be discarded or returned to one's vehicle. Please call (901) 721-6000 with any questions.
AutoZone Park has two general admission lawn seating areas, the Bluffs, located in left field and right field. Tickets for these areas may be purchased in advance or on the day of the event, however seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Guests holding tickets for the Bluffs are encouraged to arrive early for the best seating.
Guests are permitted to bring towels and blankets for use in this area; however, lawn chairs, beach style chairs, chaise lounges, and lounge style chairs will not be permitted. Umbrellas may be used to provide shade in the lawn area, however in consideration of the safety and sight lines of others; we ask that guests using umbrellas sit in the upper portion of the lawn areas. In the event that an umbrella interferes with the view of another guest, you will be asked to close the umbrella. The Redbirds reserve the right to refuse any chair or umbrella deemed inappropriate due to size or otherwise.
Items found in or around AutoZone Park during events or games should be turned into the FansFirst kiosk located on the concourse level directly behind Section 100. Any items found in or around AutoZone Park during regular business hours should be turned in to the Security Office located behind Section 100. All lost and found items that are turned into the office will be tagged and stored for 30 days. Every effort will be made to return the item to its owner. If an item has been stored for 30 days and has not been claimed, it may then be given to charity or otherwise disposed of. Lost and found items can be picked up at the Administrative Offices in the Toyota Center during the hours of 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Please call ahead to verify if your lost item was turned in and is waiting for you. For information on lost items, please call customer service at (901) 721-6000.
Every child should be told to contact an AutoZone Park representative should he or she become lost. A lost child should be taken to the FansFirst kiosk located on the concourse level directly behind Section 100. If you become separated from your child, please contact the nearest Redbirds representative or go to the FansFirst kiosk for assistance.
If you notice an area of the ballpark (i.e., seats, restrooms, lights) you feel needs to be repaired, please stop by our FansFirst kiosk directly behind Section 100 where your request will be documented and forwarded to our Ballpark Operations team.
Rockey, the Redbirds mascot, is available for appearances at community and charitable events. Please call our Marketing Department at (901) 722-0201 for more information or visit the link HERE.
Official Redbirds and AutoZone Park merchandise can be purchased at the Team Store, located inside the main gates with street access via Union Ave. The store is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and longer on gamedays. Fans can also shop online year-round on
The Memphis Redbirds do not own or control any parking. To reserve a spot with Premium Parking, the preferred parking of the Memphis Redbirds, click the link HERE. Appreciate the opportunity to reserve a spot with Premium Parking, the preferred parking of the Memphis Redbirds, through the landing pages for One Commerce Square, 250 Peabody Garage & First Park Place Garage. Browse the website for parking options close to AutoZone Park here:
- One Commerce Square-
- First Park Place Garage-
- 250 Peabody Garage-
Pets are not permitted in the ballpark except for the fans requiring the use of service animals, or during our "Bark In The Ballpark Day." On that day only, dogs will be allowed into AutoZone Park in certain areas. Please check the Promotions Schedule for the date. Service animals are allowed to enter the ballpark.
In the interest of guest safety and enjoyment, AutoZone Park Management reserves the right to prevent certain items from being brought into AutoZone Park. The following includes, but is not limited to, items that are not allowed into AutoZone Park:
- Animals (except service animals)
- Beach balls or other inflatables
- Bicycles
- Bullhorns
- Camera tri-pods
- Chairs
- Cloth bags, soft packs, and backpacks
- Confetti
- Drones
- Fireworks
- Food or beverage
- Glass bottles or cans
- Ice chests or coolers
- Illegal drugs
- Laptops or iPads
- Laser pointers
- Skateboards or roller blades
- Squirt guns or super soakers
- Sticks or clubs (including signs attached to sticks)
- Video cameras
- Vuvuzelas
- Weapons of any kind
- Baby formula, bottles, baby bags (subject to search), child sippy cups, and baby food
- Medication or other special needs
- Unopened, soft-sided containers of drinks such as small milk cartons, bottled water, empty water containers, juice boxes, or pouches (to be brought in only for special medical conditions)
- Still and video cameras (see "camera and video equipment")
- Binoculars
- Seat cushions
- Umbrellas (subject to size restrictions)
- Baseball bats for the purpose of autographs (should be stored underneath the seats once the game begins)
- Fold-up strollers (should be stored under your seat)
Radios, TVs, and cell phones are allowed at AutoZone Park, as long as their use does not disrupt other guests.
For Memphis Redbirds rainout policy, please visit
Non-sporting events are subject to promoter rain polices and will be communicated through pre-event emails.
There is no re-entry policy after a guest's ticket has been scanned upon entrance. If you must exit the stadium and wish to return please see an AutoZone Park staff member at the FansFirst kiosk for assistance.
The City of Memphis and the Memphis Redbirds prohibit the resale of tickets on AutoZone Park property. This includes AutoZone Park, as well as all surrounding grounds and parking areas.
Guests will find clean and spacious men's, women's and family restrooms on all levels of AutoZone Park. If you need assistance locating the nearest restroom, please ask one of our Redbirds ushers or stop by the FansFirst kiosk located directly behind Section 100.
The following jersey numbers have been retired by the St. Louis Cardinals in honor of former players and club personnel: 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 14, 17, 20, 24, 42, 45, and 85. Those numbers are also retired throughout the Cardinals' minor league organization.
The parent club of the Triple-A Memphis Redbirds, the St. Louis Cardinals are a member of the National League Central Division. Their office address is Busch Stadium, 700 Clark Street, St. Louis, MO 63102. Their telephone number is (314) 345-9600.
For the safety of our guests, security will be on site during all games and at AutoZone Park events, as well as on non-event days. If you have an emergency, please contact the nearest security guard or Redbirds representative.
AutoZone Park is a smoke-free and tobacco-free facility, including "smokeless" cigarettes. Re-entry will not be available.
Fans with suggestions, concerns, or complaints during their visit to AutoZone Park should bring their concerns to the FansFirst kiosk directly behind Section 100 or call (901) 721-6000 during normal business hours.
There are various taxi companies available to those in need of transportation from AutoZone Park. To arrange for taxi service, please contact one of our ushers, security officers, Redbirds representatives, or stop by the FansFirst kiosk directly behind Section 100.
Weapons of any kind are not allowed inside AutoZone Park.