Signed with the New York Yankees as an international free agent on May 4, 2021... was 16-years-old when he signed out of the Dominican Republic... Lalane was born in the Bronx but moved to the Dominican Republic when he was four months old... spent time growing up both in the Bronx and the Dominican Republic, returning to the U.S. to compete in Perfect Game tournaments for MLB scouts... grew up a Yankees fans attending games at nearby Yankee Stadium with family... a dual citizen, he moved back to the Dominican Republic when he was 8 and played Little League baseball at the Javilla Academy in Santo Domingo... began playing as an outfielder but focused on pitching when he turned 14... his father played Division l basketball at St. Francis College in New York and went on to play for the Dominican Republic National Team... his mother played volleyball for the Dominican Republic National Team, as did his sister, Hennesys, who as of 2023 played volleyball at Indian Hills Community College in Iowa... made his Yankees debut in 2021 with the Dominican Summer League Yankees... was named a Dominican Summer League All-Star in 2022... moved to the Yankees' Florida Complex League affiliate in 2023... told YES Network that teammates and coaches within the Yankees organization jokingly compare him -- a 6-foot-7 lefty -- to fellow southpaw Randy Johnson: "Since I started pitching, everybody would say ‘look, it's Randy Johnson,’” Lalane told YES. “Then I started watching videos of [him] and tried to imitate and be like him because I liked the way he was very potent on the mound and very aggressive.”