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Double-A Affiliate
The Official Site of the Portland Sea Dogs Portland Sea Dogs

Ticket Information

Seating Chart (click to enlarge)

Wheelchair Accessible Seating

The Sea Dogs provide wheelchair accessible seating for those fans who require it. This seating can be purchased by coming to the ballpark or by calling us at 207-879-9500 or 1-800-936-3647. Wheel Chair accessible seating is not sold online. Due to the limited amount of this seating, it is our policy to allow a maximum of four people to sit with the person needing the wheelchair accessible seating. It is highly recommended that this seating is purchased in advance when possible.

Sea Dogs Rain Check Policy

The Sea Dogs make every effort to play every scheduled game. A decision to postpone a game will not be made until it is determined that there is no way the game can be safely played. There is no set time for that decision to be made. Once a game is started, the decision to continue play rests solely with the umpires. Also, when a team is playing its last series at Portland for the season, the decision to postpone can only be made by the umpires per league rules.


If less than 5 innings of one game (4 1/2 if the Sea Dogs are ahead) is played, your ticket may be exchanged in person at the Sea Dogs Ticket Office, for one ticket of equal or lesser value for any remaining regular-season game subject to availability. Tickets from postponed games are not tied to the rescheduled game; they may be exchanged for any date, subject to availability.

It is highly recommended that tickets from rained-out games be exchanged in advance.

Mail Exchange Requests To:

Portland Sea Dogs

Ticket Office

P.O. Box 636

Portland, ME 04104

Questions regarding the rain check policies can be directed to the Sea Dogs Ticket office at 207-879-9500 or

Ticket Office Hours

During the baseball season: Monday to Friday 9am- 5pm
The Ticket Office is also open at 9am on all game days until the eighth inning of the game.

Off-season hours:

Monday to Friday 9am- 5pm

Phone Number:

207-879-9500 or 1-800-936-3647


Assurance Tickets

When you purchase a Sea Dogs Assurance Ticket you are purchasing a fully transferable ticket. This a great option if you think your plans or numbers may change. Your tickets are fully transferable at any time prior to or after the game date, providing the ticket has not yet been used.

Prior to the Game Date

  • Your tickets will be fully transferable to another game for tickets of equal or lesser value right up until they are scanned-in at the ballpark. Example: if you purchase tickets to the June 25th game, but for some reason, that game no longer works for you, you can transfer your tickets to another game of your choosing, based upon availability.

After the Game Date

  • Following the game date, any Assurance Ticket not scanned-in for that game may be exchanged for a ticket of equal or lesser value to another game, based upon availability. Example: if you purchase five assurance tickets to a game, but only use three of them, you may trade-in your two unused tickets for tickets of equal of lesser value to another game, based upon availability.

Transfers must happen at the Sea Dogs Ticket Office or through the mail. There are no cash refunds/ credits given. The tickets must be transferred within the same season and cannot be transferred to another season. Skybox and Picnic Tickets are excluded from this program.

Digital Ticketing Guides

Video Guide to Desktop Ticket Purchasing

Video Guide to Accessing Your Mobile Tickets