Autism Awareness Day Set For April 13
The Rochester Red Wings have partnered with Autism Speaks for a second year in a row to host Autism Awareness Day at Frontier Field on Saturday, April 13 when the Wings host the Lehigh Valley IronPigs at 1:05 p.m.
The Rochester Red Wings have partnered with Autism Speaks for a second year in a row to host Autism Awareness Day at Frontier Field on Saturday, April 13 when the Wings host the Lehigh Valley IronPigs at 1:05 p.m.
The Red Wings and Autism Speaks aim to create an environment that will allow families dealing with Autism to enjoy a day at Frontier Field while also raising awareness for Autism, a disorder that affects one in 59 American children.
Senior Coordinator of Autism Speaks, Jessica Joanis, explained the importance of an event like this:
"Every April Autism Speaks celebrates World Autism Month with autism-friendly events and educational activities around the local community to increase understanding and acceptance and foster support. Autism Speaks has partnered up with the Rochester Red Wings for a second year in hosting an Autism Awareness Day. I hope you will join us for the game on Saturday, April 13 to help us go blue for Autism during the month of April."
Some components of Autism Awareness Day are as follows:
- Lower volume levels throughout the stadium along with other fan-friendly adjustments
- In-game production will be altered to minimize abrupt sound effects and video board displays
- Fans are asked to refrain from bringing "noise makers" that day
- A limited number of blue pom-poms will be available at the Autism Speaks table to substitute for noise makers
- A Safe Zone located in Club 3000 will be open all game long for children in need of a quiet reprieve from the game.
- Designated Autism Aware Section, reserved exclusively for guests with family members on the Autism spectrum.
- Various items and ballpark experiences available via Live Source with proceeds benefitting Autism awareness
To purchase discounted tickets in an exclusive Autism Aware Section contact:
Mike Ewing at (585) 454-1001 ext. 3036 or
Visit and use the login:
Username: Autism19
Password: 2019