- No outside food or beverage is allowed at CHS Field. You may bring in bottled water and baby formula. For questions about dietary needs please call 651-644-6659
- Umbrellas are allowed, but please be cognizant of your neighbors. We ask that you not block the view of those around you
- CHS Field permits clear bags with maximum dimensions of 18" H x 14" W x 8" D. Small medical or diaper bags are also allowed. All non-transparent bags will be subject to inspection at security checkpoints.
- For any in park announcements (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) you must go to the Fan Services Booth, located behind Section 105 under the "?" on the wall. Messages are $10. Please note NO announcements will be taken via email or over the phone.
Fun is Good. Safe is even better. Since opening in 1993, attending a Saints game has been about "the experience"...the experience of attending a ballgame surrounded by family and friends while enjoying a few laughs, great baseball, tasty treats, and affordable fun. While the world changes around us, the Saints recognize our responsibility to ensure that your experience here at CHS Field continues to be as relaxing, enjoyable, and safe as possible. With that in mind, we have introduced new security measures at home games this season.
As you approach CHS Field's Broadway Plaza and Positively 4th Street entrances, please consider the following to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible.
- CHS Field is a No Weapons facility. All weapons are prohibited (including all versions of knives).
- CHS Field permits clear bags with maximum dimensions of 18" H x 14" W x 8" D. Small medical or diaper bags are also allowed. All non-transparent bags will be subject to inspection at security checkpoints.
- We're staffing the CHS Field gates with several Fan Service Security team members to keep all lines moving and get you into the ballpark as quickly as possible
- Please consider leaving any non-essential items at home or in your vehicle
- As you approach the gate, feel free to identify and join the shortest line
- Please have your pockets emptied as you approach our Fan Service Security team members
- As a reminder, no outside food, beverage, cans, bottles, chairs, or coolers may be brought into the ballpark (exceptions are bottled water and baby formula)
We ask for your patience and understanding. Please know that we will do everything we can to ensure that this process is fast, efficient, and maybe even fun.
We do all we can to play each home game. Just because it's raining at 9:00 a.m. doesn't mean that night's game won't be played. Once rain is in the forecast we immediately put our tarp on the field, keeping our infield dry. Games will *NOT *be postponed prior to first pitch.
We realize fans travel from all over the state of Minnesota. Unfortunately, we can't predict what the weather is going to do a few hours in advance of game time. If you are traveling from a lengthy distance use your best judgment on whether you want to make the drive or not.
The easiest way to get updates is to follow us on social media or via our radio home. We will give updates when we have them. For example: start time pushed back, game postponed, in game rain delay, etc. If you don't see an update, it's not because we're hiding information, we just don't have any new updates. Find our social media on Facebook (StPaulSaints) and Twitter (@StPaulSaints) or tune into KFAN Plus, 96.7 FM 15 minutes prior to first pitch.
For non-season ticket holders, your tickets may be exchanged for any Saints regular season home game during that season. Tickets must be exchanged for equal or lesser value and is subject to availability.
If this occurs, we recommend exchanging tickets in advance of the game you wish to attend. Tickets must be exchanged at the Saints Box Office located at CHS Field. Please KEEP YOUR TICKET STUB as you will need this to exchange your ticket. If for some reason you have lost your ticket stub, contact the Saints Box Office at 651-644-6659.
For *FULL *season ticket holders, your tickets *ARE NOT *eligible for exchange. Your season ticket package included all 72 regular season home games. Any postponed game will be made up as a doubleheader and your tickets are good for both games
Please remember that you must have a ticket for the game you wish to attend. Tickets for a postponed or cancelled game *MUST BE *exchanged for the game you wish to attend. (For example, if a game is postponed on a Monday and it is made up as a doubleheader the next day, you need a ticket dated for that day's game in order to attend). Also, if you have a ticket for a date in which a doubleheader is being played, your ticket gets you into both games. (For example, you purchased a ticket for August 6. Our August 5 games was rained out and the game is now being played as part of a doubleheader on August 6. You can now watch two games for the price of one).
If a game *DOES NOT *end up being an official game (4 1/2 innings if the Saints are winning, 5 innings if the Saints are losing), then your ticket can be exchanged for any regular season home game of equal or lesser value.