Fan Behavior Policy
The Asheville Tourists are committed to creating a family-friendly and welcoming environment at the ballpark for all guests. As part of that commitment, our Fan Code of Conduct, detailing how Tourists fans and staff members are expected to behave, is listed below.
All Asheville Tourists staff, including game-day staff, must receive a copy of this policy before working any games. In addition, all staff must receive annual training on this policy, the substance of the Fan Code of Conduct, and how to respond to prohibited fan behavior. All training will be documented.
A copy of the Fan Code of Conduct can be found at the main entrance gate to the ballpark, at the guest services booth, on and in the official game program.
Fan Code of Conduct
To provide a welcoming experience for all and out of respect for fellow guests, players, coaches, and ballpark staff, all guests are prohibited from:
· Trespassing on the playing field at any time;
· Interfering with baseballs that are in play;
· Throwing or tossing objects;
· Using foul, obscene or derogatory language (see below) or gestures;
· Misusing or overconsuming alcohol, including, underage consumption;
· Behaving in a manner that is disruptive, unruly, or abusive;
· Accessing areas of the ballpark without a proper ticket, pass, or credential;
· Misusing tickets, passes, or credentials in any way; or
· Bringing prohibited items into the ballpark.
Derogatory language is defined as offensive language concerning a person’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or national origin, and anyone using such language is subject to automatic ejection from the ballpark.
Violations of the Fan Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and may lead to ejection from the ballpark, a ban on attending future games, or other consequences. Guests who are found to have used derogatory language will be ejected from the ballpark.
Reporting An Incident
Guests are encouraged to report violations of the Fan Code of Conduct to the nearest ballpark staff member. This can be done in person or at the Guest Services location. Furthermore, game-day staff must immediately report prohibited fan behavior to a department supervisor. This can be done in person or at the Guest Services location.
Use of derogatory language by a fan toward a player, umpire, Club staff, or their family members must be documented by the Club and reported to the Club’s General Manager and to the Commissioner’s Office via email to Clubs must seek to collect the name and identifying information of the fan and must include in their report a description of how the Club addressed the incident and any planned discipline.
We are excited to welcome you to the ballpark and appreciate your cooperation in making this a welcoming environment for all.