The BlueClaws have partnered with for a comprehensive ticket purchasing, accessing, and transferring process, all of which is detailed on this page.
Step 1 - Go to on your mobile device and click on the 'Access Your Account' under the Tickets/Groups Dropdown (or click here).
Step 2 - Enter the email address and password associated with your BlueClaws account. Tap Reset Password if you are unable to remember your password or tap SIGN UP to set up an account.
Step 3 - Once logged in to your account, tap View Tickets to view your tickets for your next game or tap View All Ticket Inventory to view tickets for all future dates.
Step 4 - After selecting the date of the game you are attending, a list of tickets for that date will appear. Tap on the specific tickets to view the barcode.
Step 5 - After selecting specific tickets, a barcode will appear. Please have this page visible on your phone when you approach the gate. You can add these tickets to your Apple or Google wallet for quick retrieval on game days (we recommend you do this!). Tap Next Ticket to scan barcodes on any additional tickets you may have.
Step 1 - Once logged into your account, tap View Tickets to view tickets for the next game or View All Ticket Inventory to view future games. Select the game date you would like to exchange.
Step 2 - Once you have selected the game you would like to exchange, a list of all tickets for that date will appear. Tap Exchange at the bottom of your screen.
Step 3 - Select the seats you would like to exchange, and tap Continue.
Step 4 - Verify the game and seats you would like to exchange are correct and tap Find Eligible Events.
Step 5 - After selecting your new game, set your search options and tap OK. Tap a seating section on the seat map to view available pods. Select an available pod from the seat map by tapping on the blue dots. Please note the number of seats in an available pod must match the number of seats you are exchanging. When you select available pods from the seating map, the seats will turn gold. Tap the Arrow with the seat icon at the bottom of your screen to continue.
Step 6 - Verify the details in your shopping cart. Scroll down and tap Place Order to complete the exchange. Please note that online exchange fees will apply. If you would like to avoid the online fees, please call the BlueClaws at 732-901-7000 option 3 for assistance in exchanging games. The game you exchanged into will appear in your account.
Step 1 - Once logged into your account, tap View Tickets to view tickets for the next game or View All Ticket Inventory to view future games.
Step 2 - Select the game date you would like to transfer.
Step 3 - Once you have selected a game, click on the ‘Ticket Actions’ button at the bottom of the page and choose ‘Forward,'
Step 4 - Select the tickets you would like to forward and click on the ‘Choose Friend’ button at the bottom of the page.
Step 5 - Choose the friend who will receive your tickets or click ‘Add Friend’ at the bottom of the screen to add a new friend.
Step 6 - Once you have a selected a friend, hit the 'Forward Tickets' button at the bottom of the page.
Step 1 - Go to and click the highlighted link to access your account.
Step 2 - Once you’ve logged into your account, click on ‘Print Tickets’ on the right side of the page. You can also exchange tickets and forward tickets from the desktop.
Step 3 - Select the game(s) you would like to print tickets for. Games are sorted by month, so not all will be shown.
Step 4 - Click ‘Select All’ to print all tickets for that game.
Step 5 - Review the game(s) and seat(s) you have selected to print.
Step 6 - Click 'Select for Printing' and then click 'View and Print Tickets.'