Rain Policy FAQ
Q: I have a ticket from a rain-out game. What do I do?
A: You can bring that ticket back down to the box office and we can exchange it for another game this year.
Q: Can I get a refund?
A: Unfortunately, all sales are final. We do not offer any refunds for games that are rained out.
Q: Can I use it for Eat-A-Palooza?
A: Yes, all you would have to do is pay the difference between both tickets.
Q: Could I use two tickets to pay the difference for EAP or to upgrade my seat?
A: No, all ticket exchanges are taken 1 for 1 so we cannot apply the value from two tickets into one.
Q: Can I use it for the Crosstown Showdown against Michigan State?
A: No, the Crosstown Showdown is an exhibition game outside of the regular season against a collegiate team so we have to have to operate under a different set of rules. We cannot take any tickets in exchange for this game.
Q: Can these tickets be used for the playoffs?
A: Yes, we would love to have you for the playoff games.
Q: Can I exchange these tickets online or over the phone?
A: No, we have to have the tickets in hand in order to do the exchange and we cannot hold any seats for rain exchange tickets. It must be done in person.
Q: Can I use these tickets for the next season?
A: No, the tickets must be used in the season that they were sold in. The only exception would be for a game in late August or September but those are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Q: How do I know if a game has been cancelled?
A: You can always check our website or our social media for the most up-to-date information.
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The Lansing Lugnuts have every intention of playing each regularly scheduled home game, even when the forecast may call for rain. A combination of in-ground drainage around the outfield and warning track along with a large infield tarp gives us the best opportunity to play baseball despite any rain that may fall prior to our scheduled first pitch.
In order to evaluate possible inclement weather, and give ourselves the best chance to play, there is no set time for the cancellation of a scheduled game due to weather. Rather, a game's start time will more likely be delayed before an official decision is made.
Weather patterns and forecasts are unique and include many variables to consider when making a decision. Our management team and grounds crew take into account: the amount of rain the field has already absorbed, future forecasts, and the severity of additional weather. Our first priority is the safety of our fans, players and coaching staff. While we understand and respect that each fan with a valid game ticket has unique circumstances, we also ask fans to consider that weather - sunny or rainy - is something to consider when attending any outdoor event.
We have a fantastic working relationship with our Lansing area media partners, and they work hard to make sure the information we are armed with is as accurate as possible. We also take it upon ourselves to seek out multiple sources to give us the best picture of any impending weather systems specific to our location. It may be raining at your house while there are clear skies above the ballpark.
In most instances, a game called due to weather is made up as part of a doubleheader. You are NOT REQUIRED to use your tickets for the next day's game. We give you the opportunity to choose any remaining date that fits your schedule, based on ticket availability.
If a legal game is not played, meaning it was never started or failed to complete five innings (4 ½ if the Lugnuts are leading), please keep your ticket stubs with that game's date. Rainout tickets may be exchanged for any subsequent regular season game except Eat-a-Palooza and 4th of July, subject to availability. With Eat-a-Palooza you can exchange for this game but there is an upgrade difference you will need to pay per ticket. We cannot guarantee the same exact seat location for the new date. No full or partial refunds will be given for a difference in ticket price. Complimentary game tickets cannot be exchanged
Exchanges can be done in person at the box office or through the mail. In order for an exchange to take place, rainout tickets must be presented in person to the box office at the time the transaction is taking place. If you mail your tickets, please be sure to include your contact information and top three game choices as well as seating preference. You will be contacted by a Lugnuts representative when the tickets are received.
Tickets can be mailed to:
Lansing Lugnuts
Attn: Jackson® Field™ Box Office
505 E. Michigan Ave.
Lansing, MI 48912
If you have any questions, please call the Lugnuts administrative office at (517) 485-4500.