In the event that four and a half innings of a game are not played, on most occasions your ticket can be exchanged over the phone or in person at the Provident Bank Ticket Office for any game during the remainder of the 2025 season. Bacon USA Members can call their account manager directly to process the exchange. Tickets are subject to availability.
For the day-of-game information, fans are encouraged to follow the IronPigs social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
During the season, the Provident Bank ticket office is open M-F from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and all game days until approx. the seventh inning.
Weather Policy Details
Tonight's game status
The IronPigs are preparing to play each game on the schedule. Tonight's game is on as scheduled unless there's an announcement on the IronPigs official Twitter/Facebook pages and website.
We will do everything we can to play games on time and on schedule
It's best for everyone if we play games on schedule, and our team's top priority is making that happen if the conditions allow for a safe experience for both players and fans.
Gates and giveaway procedures
Gates will almost certainly open on schedule, and any giveaways for that day's game will be distributed, even if we're in "wait and see" mode with the weather. If there is a delay, we will announce it over the PA speakers, our website and social media channels, and invite guests to seek shelter on the main concourse.
Don't expect an early announcement of a delay.
Weather forecasting isn't an exact science. We've seen a "90% chance of heavy rain" turn into a beautiful evening for baseball and we've seen storms come out of nowhere to impact games. Our team is constantly monitoring the conditions, but we are unlikely to have enough information to change a game's status until the last couple hours before the scheduled first pitch.
If there is a change to a game's status, when will it be announced?
As soon as word is official. We don't make guesses. Our message will always be one of three things: 1) The game is on as scheduled, 2) We are in a delay, or 3) The game has been postponed. Every day starts with "The game is on as scheduled" and unless you hear otherwise from an official IronPigs channel -- Website, Twitter, Facebook, or in-park PA announcement -- you should assume nothing has changed.
Tickets can be exchanged in person or over the phone.
Tickets from a postponed 2025 game may be exchanged for any game during the remainder of the 2025 season. Tickets can be exchanged in person or over the phone at the Provident Bank Ticket Office. Bacon USA Members can call their account manager directly to process the exchange. Tickets are subject to availability.