FeRROUS or FeFe, along with IronPigs staff or collegiate baseball player(s), will visit a PE class to teach the fundamentals of baseball!
For requests or additional information, please call or email Aaron Weisberg, Manager, Community Relations at 610-841-1213 or [email protected].
FeRROUS or FeFe, along with IronPigs staff or collegiate baseball player(s), will visit a PE class to teach the fundamentals of baseball!
For requests or additional information, please call or email Aaron Weisberg, Manager, Community Relations at 610-841-1213 or [email protected].
If a class reads 20 minutes per day for two weeks, FeRROUS or FeFe and an IronPigs staff member will read to them. If the whole school or multiple classes participate, we can have a reading assembly!
For requests or additional information, please call or email Aaron Weisberg, Manager, Community Relations at 610-841-1213 or [email protected].
Have an IronPigs staff member(s) visit your class to talk about careers in sports.
For requests or additional information, please call or email Aaron Weisberg, Manager, Community Relations at 610-841-1213 or [email protected].
Schedule a tour of Coca-Cola Park and learn about it's history, tour the suites and clubhouse, sit in the dugout and more!
For requests or additional information, please call or email Aaron Weisberg, Manager, Community Relations at 610-841-1213 or [email protected].
If you want FeRROUS or FeFe for your party or event, let us know!
For requests or additional information, please call or email Aaron Weisberg, Manager, Community Relations at 610-841-1213 or [email protected].