Rainout Information
*"How do I check on the status of a game threatened by rain?"*
1. Check the Tides social media
If the game is postponed due to inclement weather, we will update our Twitter and Facebook accounts as soon as possible. Those accounts are the best resource for finding up-to-the-minute information regarding the status of a Tides game.
2. Listen to ESPN Radio 94.1
ESPN Radio 94.1 is the flagship radio station for the Norfolk Tides. If the game is postponed due to inclement weather, ESPN Radio 94.1 will make that announcement.
3. Check the homepage of NorfolkTides.com
If the game is postponed due to inclement weather, the Tides website will note the postponement and any relevant make up game information.
*"What if the weather doesn't look so good, but I haven't heard that the game is postponed?"*
Please note that the decision to postpone a game due to weather is typically made close to the game's scheduled start time. Team officials pay close attention to the weather leading up to game time and make every effort to keep the field ready for play. Unless the weather prior to game time is particularly severe or the forecast reveals that inclement weather is inevitable, team officials will plan to play the game as scheduled.
In light of this, the Tides ask for your patience and encourage you to use the three methods described above to check on the status of the game. If none of the above announce that the game has been postponed, you may assume that every attempt will be made to play the game as scheduled.
*"If a game is postponed due to weather, what do I do with my tickets?"*
Hold onto your tickets. You will be able to exchange your tickets at the Harbor Park box office for a ticket with the same admission price to any future non-restricted regular season home game of the same season. Please understand that the Tides are unable to give any cash refunds.
If you purchased tickets as part of a group (group tickets, patios, picnics, suites, and birthday packages), hold onto your tickets and return them to your group leader. The Tides will personally contact the group leaders to inform them that the game has been postponed. The Tides will then work with the group leaders to reschedule each group's event. Group leaders will be required to exchange their tickets from the postponed date, so it is extremely important for you to hold onto your tickets. Again, the Tides are unable to give any cash refunds.
*"What if it starts to rain during the game?"*
If it starts to rain while a game is in progress, the grounds crew will cover the field if it is necessary to keep the playing surface suitable for play. The game will then enter a rain delay. During this time, team officials and International League umpires will pay close attention to the weather and the forecast for the remainder of the game. After a reasonable amount of time, the umpires will decide if the weather has improved and is suitable for play or if the game should be declared a rainout.
If the teams have played five innings or more (or if the Tides are leading after four and a half innings of play) and a rainout is declared, the game is considered an official game. In other words, the game is finished, the game has a final score, and play will not continue at a later date. On the other hand, if a game is rained out before being declared an official game, you should hold onto your tickets, since they can be redeemed for tickets to a future game (see above).