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Rip Tide and Triton

If you are wondering who the big, blue, fuzzy creature zooming around the field on a four-wheeler and entertaining fans of all ages is, that's Rip Tide, the Norfolk Tides biggest fan! You might also be wondering who the super cool green creature is palling around with Rip Tide, it's his new best bud Triton! Triton enjoys dancing on dugouts and interacting with fans, and he's such a big baseball fan that he wears #61 to signify the first season the team was known as the "Tides." Triton's name was selected by a fan vote on the Tides Facebook page. The name Triton was the overwhelming winner in the contest, besting four other nautical-themed names.

Rip Tide and Triton promise to provide fun and crazy antics every time the Tides take the field. Rip Tide and Triton also make appearances throughout Hampton Roads for birthday parties, festivals, parades and other special events, as they both love visiting his fans in the community and meeting as many people as possible!

Rip Tide was created by Spectrum Puppets of Virginia Beach and was hatched on March 10, 1993 at Norfolk Scope in front of 7,000 Hampton Roads Admirals fans. Rip Tide's current costume was constructed by Olympus Flag and Banner in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Olympus has been producing mascot costumes for over thirty years. Their first customer was McDonald's and they are still the only company to produce a character for the hamburger chain.

Triton was also created by Olympus Flag and Banner in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was discovered in the Hampton Roads waters on the morning of April 7, 2016 and was released into his natural habitat at Harbor Park that evening, Opening Day of the 2016 season.

While at a game at Harbor Park, feel free to stop Rip Tide or Triton as they make their way through the stands and say, "hello!" Just be careful because they may be armed with a few tricks up their sleeves!

If you are interested in having Rip Tide or Triton at your event please submit your completed form from above via email to or for more information.