All parking lots surrounding Dell Diamond offer spaces for guests with disabilities. All entrances to Dell Diamond are ADA accessible. ADA seating is available throughout the ballpark and can be requested online for all Express games. For assistance reserving ADA seating, please contact us at or 512-255-2255 ext. 1.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Texas state liquor laws prohibit guests from bringing alcohol beverages into Dell Diamond. The only alcohol permitted on the premises must be purchased and/or dispensed by authorized servers. Texas State Law prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 21. All guests will be required to show approved identification. Only government-issued identification that is currently valid (not expired) and contains the following will be accepted: Name of Person, Photograph, Physical Description, and Date of Birth. No guest will be served more than two alcoholic beverages at any given time. Alcohol beverage sales on the concourse level will be cut off at the first pitch of the 8th inning during a baseball game.
Only properly identified service dogs are permitted at Dell Diamond, unless for official dog-friendly Round Rock Express games which are outlined on our promotional schedule each season.
Fans may gather for autographs at the top of the clubhouse stairs beneath the Home Run Porch before and after the game. Players are not permitted to sign autographs during the game. Please keep in mind that players must focus on their jobs, so please respect their judgment on signing or not signing autographs before or after the game. The players and team staff are employed by their Major League affiliate, therefore the Express front office does not have control over whether players sign autographs or not.
Changing tables are available in all men's, women's and family restrooms throughout the ballpark.
Dell Diamond is a clear bag venue.
Bags that are permitted include:
• Bags that are clear plastic and do not exceed 12"x6"x12"
• One-gallon clear plastic freezer bags
• Manufactured diaper bags for fans accompanying infants
• Bags carried for medical reasons
• Small clutch bags or purses that do not exceed 5"x 9"
Bags not permitted include:
• Backpacks (with the exception of diaper bag backpacks), printed-pattern plastic bags, fanny packs, large purses, reusable grocery totes, mesh or straw bags, duffle bags, large totes, camera or binocular cases
If you would like to have a birthday or anniversary listed on the videoboard, please visit our Videoboard Announcement web page to complete an order form. Announcement information is required 24 hours in advance and requires a $10 donation to the Nolan Ryan Foundation. Announcements will appear on the videoboard at the end of the second inning.
The Round Rock Express welcome mothers who want to breastfeed at Dell Diamond. In a partnership with Ascension Seton, we have installed the Lactation Station, an air-conditioned room for nursing and/or pumping mothers located on the third base concourse, or mothers may breastfeed in any public location of Dell Diamond. The ballpark offers comfortable spaces for mothers looking to feed their children in whichever form, and a bottle warmer is located at Guest Services for those that may need to utilize it.
Fans may listen to Rylan Kobre, Express Manager, PR & Broadcasting, on AM 1300 The Zone or stream the game online at The program begins approximately 15 minutes prior to the scheduled first pitch.
Bus parking is allowed in the southwest parking lot near the Home Plate Gate. There is no charge for bus parking. More details on parking can be found at
Individual cameras and handheld video cameras are permitted in Dell Diamond for Round Rock Express games. Fans may not reproduce or live stream the game without the written consent of the Round Rock Express/Major League Baseball/Minor League Baseball or interfere with other fans' enjoyment or view of the game.
The Round Rock Express is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable ballpark experience for all of our guests at Dell Diamond. Our staff will proactively intervene to support a “Family-Friendly Entertainment” environment where guests can enjoy the Dell Diamond experience free of unacceptable behavior.
The following conduct is expressly prohibited within Dell Diamond:
- Smoking or vaping
- Using foul/abusive language or obscene gestures
- Using derogatory language, which is defined as offensive language concerning another person’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or national origin
- Fighting, taunting or making threatening remarks or gestures
- Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption or underage consumption of alcohol
- Displays of affection not appropriate in a public, family setting
- Obscene or indecent clothing
- Any disruption of the game or event, including throwing of objects or trespassing on the playing field or in restricted areas
- Accessing areas of the ballpark without a proper ticket, pass or credential
- Misusing tickets, passes or credentials
- Bringing prohibited items into the ballpark
Violations of this Fan Code of Conduct and/or the PDL Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and may lead to consequences including ejection from the ballpark and a ban on attending future games; and use of derogatory language will result in ejection.
Attendees may report violations of our code of conduct using this form. If you are looking to report a violation during an Express game, we urgently suggest that you report to Guest Services so that immediate action may be taken. Guest Services is located on the outer concourse, adjacent to the Home Plate Gate.
The Express offer ticket price discounts to the following groups in the following amounts: 1) $1 off for senior citizens (60 and over); 2) $1 off for children (12 and under); 3) half-price for military personnel (with valid ID); 4) lap children that do not require a seat (2 and under) are free; 5) groups of 20 or more can receive group discount pricing. Please note, these discounts are only available on tickets purchased over the phone by calling 512-255-2255 ext. 1 or in person at the Dell Diamond ticket office.
Fans are not permitted on the dugout tops at any time unless they are participating in an in-game promotion and are escorted by an Express employee. This applies to before, during and after games and all other events.
Elevators are located behind Section 114, in the Intel Club concierge tower and by the entrance to the Express administrative office near the First Base Gate.
Fans may exit and re-enter the ballpark so long as they check in with an usher on their way out and check in with that same usher when re-entering Dell Diamond.
Cards and letters to Round Rock Express players and personnel can be sent to:
Round Rock Express
C/O Player's Name
3400 E. Palm Valley Blvd.
Round Rock, TX 78665
Please be advised that items sent through the mail to be signed are done so at your own risk. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with the item that you would like autographed. Though reasonable precautions will be taken, the Round Rock Express players, management and staff are not responsible if an item is not returned.
The First Aid Station is located just inside the Home Plate Gate on the concourse level, next to Guest Services. If first aid assistance is needed, please go to the First Aid Station or contact the nearest Round Rock Express employee.
Foul balls hit into the stands are yours to keep, courtesy of the Round Rock Express. Please stay alert at all times.
Stadium gates open one hour prior to the scheduled game time. The two main gates for general fan entry are the Home Plate Gate and the Right Field Gate. The Intel Club entrance allows entrance for suite holders and those with Intel Club Balcony season tickets. The Season Member Gate presented by United Heritage Credit Union allows early entry for Full Season Ticket members only and opens one hour and 30 minutes prior to the scheduled game time. Fireworks members have the option to enter the Season Member Gate at the standard gate time. All tickets are checked to ensure the correct entrance points are being used.
Round Rock Express gift cards can be purchased in the Railyard Team Store or via a ticket representative. Gift cards can be used in the Railyard Team Store or any permanent concession stands. To check a gift card balance, please visit
Gate giveaways are for ticketed fans only. One promotional item per ticketed fan and ticket holder must be present in order to receive the promotion. Giveaways are only while supplies last at the guest's point of entry. Please obtain your item upon entering the stadium and before leaving the giveaway distribution area. The Express retains the right to change this policy without notice.
The Guest Services desk is located just inside the Home Plate Gate. Stop by with any questions or concerns you might have.
Hard shell coolers, cooler boxes, soft-sided coolers, collapsible cooler bags and/or totes will not be permitted in the ballpark. The only exceptions would be for an attendee's medicine or breastmilk for an attending child that must remain cool for the duration of the game or event. Please note, those coolers may be subject to a visual inspection prior to entering the ballpark.
All types of lawn chairs are prohibited at Dell Diamond. Blankets and towels work best for sitting on the general admission outfield lawn and will not obstruct the view of those sitting near you. Seat cushions are also allowed at the ballpark.
Loaded value tickets come pre-supplied with a specific dollar amount that can be used at select locations throughout Dell Diamond, including the Railyard Team Store and permanent concession stands. The value on the ticket must be used on the date of the ticket or the funds will expire.
During games, lost and found is located at Guest Services, just inside the Home Plate Gate. If you lost an item at the ballpark, please call 512-255-2255 to report the item missing or to pick up the lost item during regular business hours. After 30 days, unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity.
If you lose your child during an Express game, immediately contact the nearest Round Rock Express employee, police officer or visit Guest Services.
The only outside food and/or beverage items allowed are one factory-sealed 16.9 fluid ounce clear bottle of water and one small single-serving packaged snack (i.e. fruit, trail mix, candy bar or chips) per person. Water fountains are available throughout Dell Diamond to refill water bottles, if needed.
The public address system at Dell Diamond will be used for paging in extreme cases only. Those needing to page someone should report to Guest Services, just inside the Home Plate Gate.
Parking for Round Rock Express games is $15 per vehicle, credit card only. There is no charge for bus parking. Parking prices are subject to change for other events held at Dell Diamond. Please check specific event web pages for updated parking information and rates.
For the safety of our guests, police are present at all Express games and during most other events at Dell Diamond. If you have an emergency, please contact the nearest Round Rock Express employee or police officer.
Fans are free to create and bring in posters, however, posters cannot obtain profane or inappropriate material, block the view of other fans, be affixed to any railing or surface, or cover any Dell Diamond sponsor signage. It is at the venue’s discretion of what may be appropriate for the environment or event.
In the event that five innings of the game are not played (or 4 ½ innings if the Express are winning), a fan's ticket and parking pass will be good for exchange as detailed: Suspended or postponed Sunday - Thursday game tickets can be exchanged for Sunday - Thursday home games in the current season (excluding Independence Day celebration), subject to availability; Suspended or postponed Friday or Saturday game tickets may be exchanged for any future home games in the current season (excluding Independence Day celebration), subject to availability. Once a game is suspended or postponed, the Round Rock Express will disseminate a form to ticket purchase emails for the suspended or postponed game within one hour of the suspension/postponement in which the ticket purchaser may choose their makeup game.
Both men's and women's restrooms are located throughout the ballpark, and there are two family restrooms. Men's restrooms are located behind sections 111, 116, 120, and at the end of the first base concourse, next to the Picnic Area. Women's restrooms are located behind sections 111, 118, 122, and at the end of the first base concourse, next to the Picnic Area. The family restrooms are located behind section 119. There are also restrooms located inside the Intel Club on the suite level.
For the safety of our fans, all items carried into Dell Diamond are subject to search. No remote-controlled vehicles including cars and unmanned aircraft (drones) are authorized to operate on Round Rock Express property without the consent of the organization. A full, but not limited, outline of our prohibited items can be found at To report violations, please email
Smoking and vaping are not permitted in any areas inside Dell Diamond. The designated smoking area is outside of the Home Plate Gate. Please check in with an usher for exit and re-entry confirmation.
We welcome strollers at Dell Diamond. Please make sure they can be folded up and placed under your seat during the game or please find a Round Rock Express employee to locate a designated storage area on the main concourse. For events with field access, strollers will not be allowed onto the field. Please find the nearest usher or visit Guest Services for a place to store your stroller while you are on the field.
Tailgating is allowed in Dell Diamond parking lots before Express games and many other events at the ballpark. However, you must stay confined to one parking space per vehicle.
All individual game ticket sales are final and are not subject to refund or exchange. Single-game tickets cannot be replaced if lost or destroyed. The Round Rock Express is not affiliated in any way with third-party ticket vendors and cannot validate any ticket purchase through third-party sites. To guarantee all purchased tickets are valid at entry, purchase tickets via, or through an Express ticket representative by calling 512-255-2255 ext. 1. A full outline of our ticketing terms and conditions can be found here.
Tryouts are not held by Minor League Baseball teams. Our teams are assigned players by their Major League Baseball affiliate. The Prospect Development Pipeline, a collaborative effort between MLB and USA Baseball, is the official identification and player development pathway for amateur baseball players in the United States.
Umbrellas can only be used in the ballpark to shield rain and cannot be used to block the sun.
Water fountains are located next to all restrooms throughout the ballpark. Guests are encouraged to bring empty, refillable water bottles into Dell Diamond and utilize water fountains to refill their personal water bottles.
For the safety of all guests, weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited at Dell Diamond. The only exception is sworn law enforcement personnel. Guests wishing to enter the stadium for a game or event consent to a reasonable search for weapons before entering. Failure to comply with the above conditions will be denied admittance or may be ejected. No refunds or exchanges will be allowed in such an event.
Pursuant to Section 46.035 (b)(2), Penal Code (UNLAWFUL CARRYING OF HANDGUN BY LICENSE HOLDER) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, on or about the license holder's person on the premises where a high school, collegiate, or professional sporting event or interscholastic event is taking place, unless the license holder is a participant in the event and a handgun is used in the event.
Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.
Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly.