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The Official Site of the Sacramento River Cats Sacramento River Cats

In the interest of guest safety and enjoyment, Sutter Health Park reserves the right to prevent certain items from being brought into the venue. Items that are not allowed into Sutter Health Park include but are not limited to:

  • Vape pens, cigarettes, and lighters
  • Weapons on any kind (e.g., firearms, tasers/stun guns)
  • Knives of all sizes
  • Aerosol cans (e.g., spray paint)
  • Glass bottles or cans
  • Backpacks
  • Clear bags larger than 12" x 6" x 12"
  • Ice chests or hard-sided coolers
  • Outside food/beverages (baby food/formula permitted)
  • Pamphlets, product samples
  • Bicycles (free bike parking is available on Ballpark Drive)
  • Skateboards, rollerblades, hoverboards helmets, chairs
  • Laptop computers
  • 2-way radios
  • Bats and clubs
  • Drones
  • Balloons, permanent markers
  • Cameras: no professional and/or commercial cameras with interchangeable or detachable lenses
  • Poles, selfie-sticks, tripods, monopods and missile-like objects that can be thrown
  • Banners, flags and signs
  • Clothing, garments or signs displaying explicit language, profanity or derogatory characterization towards any person(s)
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Illegal substances
  • Mace or Pepper Spray
  • Frisbees
  • Beach balls or other inflatables
  • Sticks or clubs (including signs attached to sticks)
  • Laser pointers or any similar devices
  • Flashlights of any type or size
  • Any noise-making devices (e.g., air horns, bullhorns, whistles, drums, plastic horns, etc.)
  • Fireworks
  • Confetti
  • Water or squirt guns and toy guns of any kind
  • Animals (except certified service animals)
  • Illegal drugs and alcohol
  • Audio/Visual recording devices (includes GoPro, Google Glass, Spectacles, etc.)
  • Any items arena management deems, in its discretion, to be dangerous