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The Official Site of the Sacramento River Cats Sacramento River Cats

Media Information and Guidelines

CONTACT INFORMATION: All media requests and questions should be addressed to Communications Coordinator Jake Ward at 916-376-4873 or

MEDIA CREDENTIALS: Full-season 2025 Sacramento River Cats media credentials will be issued only to accredited members of the press. Under no circumstances are media credentials to be transferred from person to person without the expressed permission and approval of the Sacramento River Cats communications department.

Violation of this policy may result in the informing of the Major League Baseball office, dismissal of the media member from Sutter Health Park, and confiscation of the violator’s media credential. No one under 18 years of age will be issued credentials, unless clearance has been given by the River Cats. Credentials should be visible at all times.

By applying for a media credential, the applicant and their media organization agree to adhere to all guidelines provided by the Sacramento River Cats, Major League Baseball, Minor League Baseball, and Sutter Health Park staff. The following guidelines apply to all accredited media and are subject to change.

MEDIA CREDENTIAL PICKUP: Single-game credentials should be requested at least 24 hours prior to the start of the event wished to attend. Media members can confirm their credential status at any time with the River Cats communications office ( Credentials will be available for pick-up at window No. 1 of the Sutter Health Park ticket windows beginning two hours prior to event start on the day of the event, and offer access to the press box only. For pregame access to players or field level, submit a request at least 48 hours in advance. Window open times are as follows:

12:05 p.m. game time — 10 a.m.

1:05 p.m. game time — 11 a.m.

6:37/6:45/7:05 p.m. game times — 4 p.m.

The credential pick-up window will close at the end of the first inning of every game. If you are late to pick up your credential, please coordinate with River Cats communications staff.

PRESS BOX: The press box is located behind home plate on the second level of Sutter Health Park and opens two hours prior to first pitch. It is a working press box for working members of the media only.

There is a possibility that credential media will not be stationed in the press area but at an auxiliary area. The River Cats have wireless internet access available for those in the auxiliary media area (suite 14). Rosters, lineups, game notes, and team statistics will be available in the press box two hours prior to the scheduled game time.

No cheering or distracting noise is permitted at any time. Live shots and still photography is prohibited from the press box.

FIELD ACCESS: Field access is available only to properly credentialed media members with prior coordination from the River Cats communications office. At no time is the media permitted in fair territory, and the media must stay towards the home plate side of the first and third base bags.

All interviews with players, coaches, or staff are strongly encouraged to be done on the field. Please request availability with Jake Ward or River Cats communications staff by email (

CLUBHOUSE ACCESS: Requests for clubhouse access should be directed to Jake Ward or River Cats communications staff by email ( 24 hours in advance.

Pregame home clubhouse access will be available to credentialed media members by request only. If the River Cats take batting practice inside, interviews will be granted during batting practice until one hour prior to game time by request only.

Postgame home clubhouse access is only available by request following a 10-minute cooling off period.

Visitors’ clubhouse access is available by request only to both River Cats and the corresponding team’s media relations departments. Please contact the River Cats media relations department for access.

RESTRICTED ACCESS AREAS: Credentialed media are permitted in all seating areas of the stadium, but must take every precaution to not impede the views of ticketed fans or disrupt the workflow of park staff.

Access to the Sacramento River Cats front office, located within Sutter Health Park nearest the elevator on the top floor, is permitted only with an employee host.

Violation of this policy will result in the dismissal of the media member from Sutter Health Park and confiscation of the violator’s media credential(s) for attending future games.

GAME NOTES AND STATISTICS: River Cats game notes and statistics will be made available in the press box two hours prior to the start of the game. To receive daily game notes in your inbox, please email Communications Coordinator Jake Ward at either or

MEDIA INTERVIEWS: Media members wishing to do an individual interview or feature story of either River Cats players or staff (front office or game day) should contact the River Cats communications office no later than 48 hours prior to the desired interview time. The media is asked to be respectful of the players’ pre-game schedule when requesting or scheduling an interview. No interviews will be permitted with starting pitchers pre-game on the day of their start.

PHOTOGRAPHERS: Still and video photographers must have credentials showing at all times and must take every precaution to not impede the views of ticketed fans. Camera wells are located at the locations adjacent to the dugouts. The Sacramento River Cats reserve the right to ask photographers and all media members to change locations at any time.

No photographs taken with a credential can be sold without written consent of the River Cats.

USE OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Media outlets needing use of River Cats photography may contact the communications department via email at or Accredited media members may use River Cats-owned photographs for non-endorsement projects only with proper attributes to the credited photographer.

BRAND GUIDELINES: A 2025 Sacramento River Cats Branding/Style Guide is available upon request. Any collateral utilizing prior or phased out logos, or any other logo previously promoted by the franchise should be replaced with items including within the provided style guide.

OFFICIAL LOGO SET: The official “Sacramento River Cats” wordmark and accompanying cat with baseball and claws visible serves as the team’s primary logo. The overlapping “RC” serves as the secondary logo and may come in varying color/outline sets. For high-res or vector logo files, please contact the communications department via email at or

AUTOGRAPH POLICY: Under no circumstances are credentialed media members permitted to seek autographs, personal photographs, baseballs, bats, etc. on the field of play or in either clubhouse. Violation of this policy will result in the dismissal of the media member from Sutter Health Park and confiscation of the violator’s media credential(s).

CAMERAS IN CLUBHOUSE: Still photography is not permitted in the clubhouse at any time. Video in the clubhouse with a player or member of the coaching staff must be shot in-close from the shoulders up only with prior expressed approval.

MEDIA EQUIPMENT: The Sacramento River Cats are not liable for any damaged, broken, misplaced or otherwise unusable equipment that media bring to Sutter Health Park.

PREGAME MEAL: A meal will be provided in the press box prior to game for credentialed media members only.

Tuesday, April 1 (SAC @ LV)

Wednesday, April 2 (SAC @ LV)

Thursday, April 3 (SAC @ LV)

Friday, April 4 (SAC @ LV)

Saturday, April 5 (SAC @ LV)

Sunday, April 6 (SAC @ LV)

Tuesday, April 8 (SAC @ TAC)

Wednesday, April 9 (SAC @ TAC)

Thursday, April 10 (SAC @ TAC)

Friday, April 11 (SAC @ TAC)

Saturday, April 12 (SAC @ TAC)

Sunday, April 13 (SAC @ TAC)

Tuesday, April 15 (SL @ SAC)

Wednesday, April 16 (SL @ SAC)

Thursday, April 17 (SL @ SAC)

Friday, April 18 (SL @ SAC)

Saturday, April 19 (SL @ SAC)

Sunday, April 20 (SL @ SAC)

Tuesday, April 22 (ELP @ SAC)

Wednesday, April 23 (ELP @ SAC)

Thursday, April 24 (ELP @ SAC)

Friday, April 25 (ELP @ SAC)

Saturday, April 26 (ELP @ SAC)

Sunday, April 27 (ELP @ SAC)

Tuesday, April 29 (RNO @ SAC)

Wednesday, April 30 (RNO @ SAC)

Thursday, May 1 (RNO @ SAC)

Friday, May 2 (RNO @ SAC)

Saturday, May 3 (RNO @ SAC)

Sunday, May 4 (RNO @ SAC)

Tuesday, May 6 (SAC @ TAC)

Wednesday, May 7 (SAC @ TAC)

Thursday, May 8 (SAC @ TAC)

Friday, May 9 (SAC @ TAC)

Saturday, May 10 (SAC @ TAC)

Sunday, May 11 (SAC @ TAC)

Tuesday, May 13 (SL @ SAC)

Wednesday, May 14 (SL @ SAC)

Thursday, May 15 (SL @ SAC)

Friday, May 16 (SL @ SAC)

Saturday, May 17 (SL @ SAC)

Sunday, May 18 (SL @ SAC)

Tuesday, May 20 (SAC @ OKC)

Wednesday, May 21 (SAC @ OKC)

Thursday, May 22 (SAC @ OKC)

Friday, May 23 (SAC @ OKC)

Saturday, May 24 (SAC @ OKC)

Sunday, May 25 (SAC @ OKC)

Tuesday, May 27 (ELP @ SAC)

Wednesday, May 28 (ELP @ SAC)

Thursday, May 29 (ELP @ SAC)

Friday, May 30 (ELP @ SAC)

Saturday, May 31 (ELP @ SAC)

Sunday, June 1 (ELP @ SAC)

Tuesday, June 3 (SAC @ SUG)

Wednesday, June 4 (SAC @ SUG)

Thursday, June 5 (SAC @ SUG)

Friday, June 6 (SAC @ SUG)

Saturday, June 7 (SAC @ SUG)

Sunday, June 8 (SAC @ SUG)

Tuesday, June 10 (TAC @ SAC)

Wednesday, June 11 (TAC @ SAC)

Thursday, June 12 (TAC @ SAC)

Friday, June 13 (TAC @ SAC)

Saturday, June 14 (TAC @ SAC)

Sunday, June 15 (TAC @ SAC)

Tuesday, June 17 (SAC @ SL)

Wednesday, June 18 (SAC @ SL)

Thursday, June 19 (SAC @ SL)

Friday, June 20 (SAC @ SL)

Saturday, June 21 (SAC @ SL)

Sunday, June 22 (SAC @ SL)

Tuesday, June 24 (OKC @ SAC)

Wednesday, June 25 (OKC @ SAC)

Thursday, June 26 (OKC @ SAC)

Friday, June 27 (OKC @ SAC)

Saturday, June 28 (OKC @ SAC)

Sunday, June 29 (OKC @ SAC)

Tuesday, July 1 (RNO @ SAC)

Wednesday, July 2 (RNO @ SAC)

Thursday, July 3 (RNO @ SAC)

Friday, July 4 (SAC @ RNO)

Saturday, July 5 (SAC @ RNO)

Sunday, July 6 (SAC @ RNO)

Tuesday, July 8 (SAC @ SL)

Wednesday, July 9 (SAC @ SL)

Thursday, July 10 (SAC @ SL)

Friday, July 11 (SAC @ SL)

Saturday, July 12 (SAC @ SL)

Sunday, July 13 (SAC @ SL)

Friday, July 18 (OKC @ SAC)

Saturday, July 19 (OKC @ SAC)

Sunday, July 20 (OKC @ SAC)

Tuesday, July 22 (LV @ SAC)

Wednesday, July 23 (LV @ SAC)

Thursday, July 24 (LV @ SAC)

Friday, July 25 (LV @ SAC)

Saturday, July 26 (LV @ SAC)

Sunday, July 27 (LV @ SAC)

Tuesday, July 29 (SAC @ ABQ)

Wednesday, July 30 (SAC @ ABQ)

Thursday, July 31 (SAC @ ABQ)

Friday, August 1 (SAC @ ABQ)

Saturday, August 2 (SAC @ ABQ)

Sunday, August 3 (SAC @ ABQ)

Tuesday, August 5 (SUG @ SAC)

Wednesday, August 6 (SUG @ SAC)

Thursday, August 7 (SUG @ SAC)

Friday, August 8 (SUG @ SAC)

Saturday, August 9 (SUG @ SAC)

Sunday, August 10 (SUG @ SAC)

Tuesday, August 12 (SAC @ RR)

Wednesday, August 13 (SAC @ RR)

Thursday, August 14 (SAC @ RR)

Friday, August 15 (SAC @ RR)

Saturday, August 16 (SAC @ RR)

Sunday, August 17 (SAC @ RR)

Tuesday, August 19 (ELP @ SAC)

Wednesday, August 20 (ELP @ SAC)

Thursday, August 21 (ELP @ SAC)

Friday, August 22 (ELP @ SAC)

Saturday, August 23 (ELP @ SAC)

Sunday, August 24 (ELP @ SAC)

Tuesday, August 26 (SAC @ RNO)

Wednesday, August 27 (SAC @ RNO)

Thursday, August 28 (SAC @ RNO)

Friday, August 29 (SAC @ RNO)

Saturday, August 30 (SAC @ RNO)

Sunday, August 31 (SAC @ RNO)