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The Official Site of the Altoona Curve Altoona Curve

Stadium Policies & Frequently Asked Questions


Alcoholic Beverages
No alcohol (including non-alcoholic beer and wine) or illegal drugs may be brought into Peoples Natural Gas Field. Guests who appear under of the age of 30 are required to show valid photo ID indicating legal proof of age when purchasing alcohol inside the ballpark. Alcoholic beverage sales are limited to two (2) alcoholic beverages per person, per ID. Alcohol sales will be discontinued at the end of the seventh inning for the entire building, vendor and concession stands.

All certified service animals or animal assistants utilized by the disabled for visually impaired are welcome at Peoples Natural Gas Field. Otherwise, animals are prohibited within the confines of the ballpark

Autograph Policy
Fans may seek autographs from the time gates open until the end of batting practice and at the conclusion of the game. If you are seeking autographs in a seating section other than your own, you may be asked to move to your section once batting practice has concluded. We cannot guarantee autograph opportunities will be available and may have to suspend these opportunities for fan/player safety reasons.

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
There is one ATM located outside the Curve Caboose on the lower concourse near the VIP Entrance behind home plate.


Baby Changing Areas
Baby changing tables are located in the Family Restroom behind home plate on the main concourse and also in the restrooms located throughout the ballpark.

Fans are permitted to bring in small, clear bags no larger than 16x16x8. All bags are subject to search upon entry and within the ballpark. No coolers or thermoses of any kind will be permitted inside the ballpark. For more information on the Clear Bag Policy, click here.

The Curve welcomes signs and banners. To ensure that these articles do not pose a safety risk or detract from the enjoyment of other guests, the Curve requests you adhere to the following guidelines:
- Please do not place banners/signs in the eyesight of the batter and/or hanging over the outfield fences. Banners should in no way infringe on the sightlines of other Peoples Natural Gas Field guests.
- Banners/signs may not be placed anywhere inside the playing field, be commercial, political derogatory or obscene as determined by the Curve.

The Curve reserves the right to remove any banner/sign that violates these guidelines.

Birthday Greetings
See Scoreboard Messages

All Curve home and away games are broadcast live on the Curve Radio Network. Talk Radio 98.5 FM/1240 AM WRTA serves as the flagship radio station and can be heard throughout Blair County. Fans outside of the broadcast radio can tune in to the live stream available at or Fans can also listen on their mobile devices using the MiLB First Pitch app. While all listening options are free, fans can purchase a subscription to MiLB.TV to watch all 138 Curve games on the computer, tablet or mobile device. Fans may also download the Bally Live app to watch all 138 Curve games.


Cameras & Video Equipment
Guests are welcome to bring cameras and video recorders (not in hard cases) into the ballpark for personal use only. Commercial use of photos without the expressed written consent of the Curve and Minor League Baseball is prohibited. Fans are asked to avoid standing in aisles while using this equipment and should not obstruct the views of others while taking pictures and refrain from using tripods and monopods.

Child Admittance
Children ages two (2) and under do not need a ticket to enter Peoples Natural Gas Field. However, we do request that these children sit in their parent or guardian's lap and no occupy an additional seat. Promotional giveaway items are only available for ticketed guests.

Credit Card Policy
The Altoona Curve accepts American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit cards at the Curve Stockyard. MasterCard, Visa and Discover can be accepted at all concession stands throughout the ballpark.

Customer Service
The customer service booth is located directly behind home plate on the main concourse.


Disabled Access
The Curve is committed to providing every guest with a comfortable and enjoyable experience at the ballpark, including those guests with disabilities. To accommodate our guests with disabilities, Peoples Natural Gas Field offers:
- Parking for guests with disabilities is located in either of the two VIP Parking lots (directly in front of the stadium)
- Accessible seating options throughout the ballpark. Please call 814-943-5400 to purchase handicap seats.
- An elevator located on the main concourse just inside the VIP entrance
- An entrance for people with disabilities is located to the right of the main entrance gate towards the lower parking lot

Drinking Fountains
There are two drinking fountain located on the main concourse, one on the first base side, one on the third base side.


For the convenience of our guests requiring special assistance an elevator is located on the main concourse just inside the VIP entrance. Customers with disabilities and their companions are given first priority for service at all elevators.

Employment Opportunities
The Altoona Curve is an equal opportunity employer. Those interested in working for the Curve should stop by the front office during normal business hours (M-F, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or view our employment opportunities here.

There are three entrances to Peoples Natural Gas Field: the Main Entrance, located next to the ticket office down the third base line; a disabled access entrance, located in between the main gate and the VIP entrance; and the VIP entrance, located behind home plate at the front of the VIP Parking Lot. Gates open one-hour prior to game time for non-season ticket holders and one-hour and 10 minutes prior to game time for season-ticket holders.

Evacuation Plan
In the event of an emergency where a partial or complete evacuation of Peoples Natural Gas Field is necessary, follow all directions of the Curve staff members and the Altoona Police Department.


Family Restrooms
There is one family restroom located behind home plate on the main concourse.

Fan Interference
In the interest of safety, Peoples Natural Gas Field maintains a zero tolerance policy regarding fan interference with a ball in play or a player during the game. Failure to comply with the policy could result in immediate ejection from the ballpark and possible criminal sanctions.

First Aid
The first aid center is located on the Upper Concourse directly behind home plate.

Foul Balls
Guests are welcome to keep any foul ball hit into the stands. At no time should a foul or home run ball be thrown back on the field. Violators will be subject to ejection at the discretion of the Curve.


Game Times/Gates Open
Gates open one hour prior to game time for non-season ticket holders and one-hour and 10 minutes prior to game time for season ticket and mini plan holders.

Giveaway Items
Due to limited quantities and to ensure that as many fans as possible can receive our giveaways, we enforce a one item per person policy for all promotional giveaways. This means that you will not be permitted to exit the gates and come back in with another ticket to get another giveaway. Please remember that a game ticket does not ensure or entitle the holder to a promotional item on that date and that only one item will be given to each eligible person.

Guest Conduct
Minor League Baseball and the Altoona Curve are committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable ballpark where:

  • Guests will enjoy the baseball experience free from foul/abusive language or obscene gestures
  • Intervention with an impaired or intoxicated guest will be handled in a prompt and safe manner
  • The progress of the game will not be disrupted by guests' actions or unauthorized persons on the playing field
  • In the interest of safety, security and fairness to everyone, all guests must show their ticket when requested and sit only in their ticketed seat

In addition, inappropriate or indecent shirts, T-shirts and hats will not detract from the guests' experience. The Curve reserves the right to eject any guest who violates any of the above conduct rules


Kids Play Areas
There are two Kids Play Areas located in Peoples Natural Gas Field for the amusement of our young guests. The Begin with Us Toddler Area is located on the upper concourse behind home plate and the Kids' Fun Zone is located down the right field line. Both are open during Curve home games (weather permitting).

Kids Run the Bases
Following all Saturday and Sunday home games, the Curve invites all kids ages 14 & under to participate in Kids Run the Bases. Adults are not permitted, unless accompanying a child age six or under. Those wishing to participate should line up on the first base side following the conclusion of the game. The Curve reserves the right to cancel Kids Run the Bases in the event of inclement weather or for other reasons.


Lost and Found
Found articles may be turned in at the main office during game hours. Peoples Natural Gas Field staff will record pertinent information and lost articles. Guests needing assistance in retrieving lost items during non-game hours may call 814.943.5400.

Lost Children/Missing Persons
Guests should report any missing persons at the Laurel Eye Customer Service Booth located directly behind home plate on the main concourse. Lost children will be taken to the customer service booth to wait for their parents.


National Anthem Performers
The Curve hold open auditions before each season for those interested in performing the National Anthem at Peoples Natural Gas Field. Individuals who are scheduled to sing the anthem should report to the Customer Service booth (located on the main concourse behind home plate) no later than 30 minutes prior to game time.


Outside Food and Beverage Policy
Per regulations of the Eastern League, no outside food or beverage is permitted inside Peoples Natural Gas Field. Empty water bottles may be brought into PNG Field and filled up at the water fountains. Cups of ice water can also be purchased from any concession stand for $1, or bottles of water are also available for purchase.


There are two parking areas at Peoples Natural Gas Field. The parking lot directly in front of the stadium is reserved for VIP/Season Ticket holders and people who require special assistance. A limited number of spaces are available in the Tan Lot on a first come, first served basis for $5 per game. All other fans can park in the parking garage located beyond left field for $4 per game. Cash only.

Pocket Schedules
The Curve's pocket schedules can be found in numerous businesses across Blair County and beyond. They can also be picked up from our front office during business hours. If you would like to have a pocket schedule mailed to you, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Altoona Curve
Attn: Pocket Schedules
1000 Park Ave
Altoona, PA 16602

Prohibited Items
Prohibited items at the ballpark include but are not limited to: weapons of any kind, laser pointers, air-powered noisemakers and profane or offensive language.


Rained Out Games
Please click here for our Rain Policy.

Re-Entry into Peoples Natural Gas Field
Re-entry into the ballpark requires your game ticket and a hand stamp obtained from the box office.

There are restrooms located on each level of Peoples Natural Gas Field. Please locate a stadium diagram nearest you to find the closest location.


Scoreboard Messages
For a $5 fee that is donated to Altoona Curve Charities, you can schedule a scoreboard message (birthday greeting, anniversary message, etc.) that will appear on the video board during Curve home games.

Please deliver your message to the Customer Service booth before first pitch.

Smoking Policy
There are two designated smoking areas at Peoples Natural Gas Field. The first is beyond left field, next to the video board. The second is at the main gates.

Peoples Natural Gas Field welcomes guests that bring and utilize their own strollers; however, the use of strollers should not in any way inhibit guest movement or block any aisle ways. Strollers are not available for rent. Strollers may be subject to search by game day security staff.


Tailgating is strictly prohibited in the Curve parking lots and parking garage per Logan Township ordinance.

The Curve is pleased to offer tours of Peoples Natural Gas Field on non-gamedays during the week. For more information on tours, please call the main office at 814.943.5400.


Umbrella Policy
For the safety and viewing enjoyment of all fans, umbrellas are permitted in the ballpark and can only be opened during rain delays (may not be open during play).


Will Call
Phone and Internet purchases may be picked up with confirmation number and photo ID at the ticket office located next to the main entrance down the left-field line. Those holding VIP Will Call tickets can pick them up at the VIP Will Call located next to the VIP entrance.

Address and Phone

Peoples Natural Gas Field
1000 Park Ave
Altoona, PA 16602
877.99.CURVE or

Box Office Hours

CLOSED until further notice