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Video of Curve Media Availabilities will be posted here.

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SEASON CREDENTIALS: Season credentials for the 2024 season will only be issued to legitimate news gathering organizations and individuals that cover the Curve on a daily basis. The Curve will contact media outlets on an individual basis regarding season-long credentials. Other media organizations that would like to request a season credential can do so by sending that request on company letterhead as an email attachment to or via phone (814-283-3180).

DAILY CREDENTIALS: Daily credentials will be issued to those individuals or organizations who do not qualify for season credentials, including freelance writers and weekly and monthly publications. Daily credentials will also be issued to radio and TV stations when the need arises for extra pre/postgame personnel and to newspaper reporters providing extra coverage. The Curve Media Relations Department should be notified at least 24 hours in advance of the game in which daily credentials are being requested. Requests should be emailed or communicated by phone. Once approved, the credentials can be picked up at the Media/Handicap Gate.

CREDENTIAL PICKUPS: Season Credentials can be picked up on Media Day, Tuesday, April 2 or Opening Day, Tuesday, April 9. Media can make other arrangements with the Curve Media Relations Department to pick up credentials after that date. Daily credentials will only be available for pickup on the day they are issued at the front desk in the office.

MEDIA ENTRANCE TO PEOPLES NATURAL GAS FIELD: Media picking up daily credentials should pick up their credential at the front desk located beneath the Big Blue Flame at the front of Peoples Natural Gas Field. Media may enter through any gate at the ballpark and must have their credential displayed at all times.

OTHER ACCEPTABLE CREDENTIALS: The Curve will also honor credentials from the Pittsburgh Pirates, National and American Leagues, the Baseball Writers Association of America and Minor League Baseball.

PRESS BOX SPACE: Though Peoples Natural Gas Field’s press box is spacious, the Curve still give preferred seating to those media outlets that cover the club most frequently. If your media organization has special space requirements, please contact the Curve Media Relations Department at least 24 hours prior to those dates.

PHOTO WELLS: Photo wells are located at the end of both dugouts. Photographers are welcome to use this space throughout the course of the game. Photographers are not permitted in the actual dugout area or on the field once the game begins. Please wait until the end of the inning to move to and from these areas.

PARKING: Media members holding season credentials are permitted to park their vehicles in the VIP parking lot by presenting their credentials to the attendant. Please be aware that parking is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Those holding daily credentials that need to be picked up at the Media/Handicap gate will have their name placed on a VIP parking list, as long as they give at least 24 hours notice.

INTERVIEW POLICY: The Curve Media Relations Department will be glad to assist members of the media in procuring interviews with Curve players and coaching staff members. Media members wishing to do an off-site interview or a feature story should contact the Curve at least 48 hours in advance to the scheduled interview time. The media is asked to be respectful of the players’ pregame schedule when requesting an interview with a player. No one will be permitted to interview starting pitchers on the day of their start.

CLUBHOUSE POLICIES AND FIELD ACCESS: In accordance with the regulations designated by the Pittsburgh Pirates and Major League Baseball, both clubhouses will open to credentialed media from 3.5 hours prior to game time until 60 minutes before game time. Following the game, the clubhouses will be closed for a period of 10 minutes to allow the team ample time to return to the clubhouse. The clubhouse areas are also closed when the teams are on the field, unless previously approved by the Curve Media Relations Department. Clubhouses are also closed between games of a doubleheader.

FIELD ACCESS: Credentialed media are permitted access to the field and dugout areas, but are not permitted to cross the foul lines, particularly when the team is taking batting practice. Media must leave the field and dugout areas no later than 30 minutes prior to game time.

LIVE VIDEO: Live video must be shot from a minimum of 12 feet away from the bullpen at PNG Field. Live video cannot exceed more than five minutes at a time during batting practice and must be taken from the seating bowl. Live video is not permitted inside the Curve clubhouse at any time. Live social media interviews will not be permitted at any time.


Peoples Natural Gas Field
Main Phone: (814) 943-5400
Toll-free: 1-877-99-CURVE
Main Fax: (814) 943-9050
Press Phone: (814) 283-3180


Jon Mozes
Director of Communications & Broadcasting

Preston Shoemaker
Assistant Director of Communications & Broadcasting