Mirabito Stadium Ballpark Seating Guide
Mirabito Stadium Guide A to Z
ALCOHOL REGULATIONS- The Binghamton Rumble Ponies strictly enforce the following alcohol serving policy: Everyone must be 21 years of age and present valid ID to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages. A two beer limit per ID is strictly enforced. The Binghamton Rumble Ponies reserve the right to suspend service at any time at the sole discretion of the management. PLESE DRINK RESPONSIBLY.
ATM- NBT Bank provides an automated teller machine on the concourse level behind home plate.
FIRST AID- Fans in need of medical assistance should inform a Rumble Ponies staff member or usher immediately. The First Aid station is located on the first base concourse. Emergency medical services are provided by Guthrie Lourdes Hospital and United Health Services. Medical Transport service is provided by Superior Ambulance Service.
CONTAINERS- Eastern League Rules prohibit patrons from carrying bottles, cans, food containers and alcoholic beverages into Mirabito Stadium.
CONDUCT- Patrons who use foul or abusive language, appear in an intoxicated state, or otherwise jeopardize the atmosphere of the park will be ejected from Mirabito Stadium.
SMOKING- All traditional smoking and electronic smoking devices are completely banned from the Mirabito Stadium premises. The Binghamton Rumble Ponies are pleased to be a smoke free facility.
SAFETY- The Binghamton Rumble Ponies Baseball Club is happy for you to keep any ball hit or thrown into the stands, but we remind you that hit or thrown balls can be dangerous.
RAIN CHECK POLICY- In the event that 4 1/2 innings are not played on any given date due to inclement weather (3 1/2 for a 7 inning game), tickets may be exchanged for any non-restricted 2024 regular season game, based on availability. NO CASH REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.
TICKET INFORMATION- The Visions Federal Credit Union Starting Gate Box Office windows are open from 9AM to 5PM
Monday through Friday. When the Rumble Ponies are home, the Starting Gate window will remain open from 9 AM until the end of the game regardless of the day of the week. To charge tickets by phone, with VISA, Master Card, American Express, and Discover, call 607-722-FUNN (3866). Fans can purchase and print tickets on any home or office computer by accessing the team website at www.BINGRP.com. A $2.00 service charge per ticket is applicable to all phone and online tickets.
Adult ticket prices for Rumble Ponies game are $15.50 for Box Seats and $11.50 for Reserved Grandstand if purchased in ADVANCE OF GAME DAY. Adult ticket prices are $18.50 for Box Seats and $14.50 for Reserved Grandstand when purchased DAY OF THE GAME. All Rumble Ponies tickets are non-refundable or exchangeable. Senior citizens, 60 and over, and children 12 and under, receive a $2.00 discount per ticket. Group ticket rates are available for groups of 20 or more. Call 607-722-FUNN (3866) for more information.
MOORE'S TIRE SALES FAN SERVICE WINDOW- The Moore's Tire Sales Fan Service Window is located on the concourse level behind home plate at Mirabito Stadium Fans may enter and/or pick up contest prizes at this window throughout the game. The window also serves as the stadium lost and found. The Rumble Ponies encourage fans to turn any found items into the Moore's Tire Sales Fan Service Window.
MIRABITO STADIUM PARKING- The Binghamton Rumble Ponies offer one parking lot for fans to park in on game day, charging $5 per car and $10 pr car o n fireworks nights. It has a limited number of handicapped accessible parking spots available.
PLEASE NOTE- On fireworks nights, part of the Henry Street lot is closed off for set-up and launch of fireworks post-game. The Rumble Ponies ask you to be courteous to the Parking Lot attendants as you enter the parking lot.
THE SOUTHERN TIER BREWING COMPANY PARTY DECK- Fans of all ages are welcome to take in a Rumble Ponies game from the Southern Tier Brewing Company Party Deck near right field. Fans 21 years of age or older are welcome to enjoy alcoholic beverages. Two beer limit. PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Call 607-722-3866 (FUNN) to find out how your group may have an outing on this deck.
In order to provide a welcoming experience for all, the Binghamton Rumble Ponies implement the following Fan Code of Conduct. Out of respect for fellow guests, players, coaches, and ballpark staff, all guests are prohibited from:
- Trespassing on the playing field at any time;
- Interfering with baseballs that are in play;
- Throwing or tossing objects;
- Using foul, vulgar, or derogatory language (see below) or gestures;
- Misusing or overconsuming alcohol, including, underage consumption;
- Behaving in a manner that is disruptive, unruly, or abusive;
- Accessing areas of the ballpark without a proper ticket, pass, or credential;
- Misusing tickets, passes, or credentials in any way; or
- Bringing prohibited items into the ballpark.
Derogatory language is defined as offensive language concerning a person’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or national origin. Vulgar language is defined as morally offensive language. Anyone using such language is subject to automatic ejection from the ballpark.
The Rumble Ponies’ management will not tolerate a violation of the Fan Code of Conduct; a violation may lead to ejection from the ballpark, a ban on attending future games, or other consequences. Guests using derogatory language will be ejected from the ballpark.
Guests are encouraged to report violations of the Fan Code of Conduct to the nearest ballpark staff member. This can be done in person, at the Moore’s Tires Fans Services’ Window, directly with stadium security, or by calling the Binghamton Rumble Ponies’ Administrative Office at (607) 723-6387.