Budweiser Club
Located at the top of the Left Field Picnic Area, the Budweiser Club is a great way to enjoy Iowa Cubs baseball. Enjoy exclusive access to a table for 4, with all-you-can-eat food and drink included. Tickets must be purchased in sets of 4.
The food/drinks run from the time the gates open 60 minutes prior through the 7th inning.
Tables of 4:
• $225/table (April)
• $270/table (May-September)
*Cost includes tickets.
*Up to 14 tables are available each game.
Budweiser Club Menu:
• Hot dogs
• Brats
• Chicken fingers
• Nachos
• Popcorn
• Chips and ranch dip
• Peanuts
• Water
• Can soda
• Domestic canned beer