Fan Code of Conduct
The Syracuse Mets provide family-friendly, affordable fun to fans of all ages!
To ensure that all fans feel welcome, the following Fan Code of Conduct prohibits the following conduct at NBT Bank Stadium:
- Trespassing on the playing field;
- Interfering with baseballs that are in play;
- Throwing objects;
- Using foul or obscene language or gestures;
- Using derogatory language, which is defined as offensive language concerning another person's race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or national origin;
- Excessive or underage consumption of alcohol;
- Disruptive, unruly, or abusive behavior;
- Accessing areas of the ballpark without a proper ticket, pass, or credential;
- Misusing tickets, passes, or credentials; and
- Brining prohibited items into the ballpark
- Prohibited items include: containers larger than 16"x16"x8", beach balls or other inflatables, glass bottles, fireworks, firearms or other weapons (e.g. knives), laser devices & pointers, skateboards & rollerblades, toy guns & knives (including water guns), sticks & clubs, unmanned aerial vehicles
Violations of the Fan Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and may lead to consequences including ejection from NBT Bank Stadium & a ban on attending future games. The use of derogatory language will result in ejection.
To report violations of the Fan Code of Conduct, please visit the Guest Services Desk (behind section 210) or see your nearest Security Guard, wearing a yellow staff shirt.