Fan Behavior Policy
The Worcester Red Sox are committed to providing an enjoyable, safe, family-oriented experience at Polar Park. To protect our fans, players, staff, and this environment, fans are asked to observe Baseball Etiquette. Violations of the Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. Those who do not observe our Code of Conduct (as determined by the WooSox) may be asked to leave the ballpark and may also incur criminal penalties, civil penalties, and a ban from Polar Park.
Code of Conduct
A) Alcohol/Drugs
· The WooSox reserve the right to deny entrance or escort from Polar Park any guest who:
· Appears intoxicated or impaired by alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances.
· Is under the age of 21 and possessing alcoholic beverages.
· Facilitates underage drinking.
· Possesses illegal drugs.
B) Clothing/Body Art
· Fans may not wear obscene, profane, or indecent (in the judgment of the WooSox) clothing.
· Fans must wear a shirt and shoes inside the ballpark.
C) Emergencies
· The WooSox reserve the right to remove anyone who fails to comply with any request from the WooSox staff or law enforcement personnel regarding ballpark operations or emergency response procedures.
D) Interference with the Game
· Fans may not:
o interfere with game,
o go onto the field,
o interfere with a ball in play,
o or throw objects onto the field.
· Violators are subject to ejection, additional penalties, and full prosecution to the extent of the law.
E) Language/Violence/Conduct
· Fans may not use foul, profane, derogatory, or abusive language or make obscene gestures. Fans who use or exhibit such behavior are subject to immediate ejection from Polar Park, and WooSox personnel shall determine when or whether they may return.
· Fans may not conduct themselves in a disorderly, unruly, or disruptive manner, in the judgment of the WooSox, to other fans, staff, employees, players, or other uniformed personnel, including umpires.
· Fans may not threaten the safety of other fans, Polar Park or WooSox staff, workers, uniformed staff, or other on-field participants.
· Fans may not fight or engage in threatening behavior (physical or verbal).
· The WooSox reserve the right to remove any fan whose failure to adhere to acceptable levels of hygiene impedes the ability of others to enjoy the game.
· Fans may not interfere with the ability of others to enjoy the game.
· Fans may not vandalize, damage, paint, draw on, or otherwise deface any part of Polar Park property.
· Fans may not possess firearms or other weapons, fireworks, or other materials or items deemed hazardous or dangerous by the WooSox.
· Fans may not use laser pointers, sirens, whistles, drones, or other items that may distract or interfere with the play on the field or interfere with the enjoyment of other fans.
· Fans must comply with all rules and policies of the WooSox, including those on the WooSox website and those posted at Polar Park, or on tickets or parking passes. For more information, please visit
· Fans may root for players, and may root against teams; however, good sportsmanship is encouraged, and no abusive taunts, cruel words, or foul language are permitted.
· Fans may not participate in displays of affection that, in the judgment of the WooSox, are not appropriate in a public, family setting.
· Neither smoking nor vaping is permitted in Polar Park. Fans who want to smoke may go to Gate C (the Rodenhiser Gate), identify themselves to Security, receive a stamp, exit the park, and return after smoking or vaping.
· Tickets: Game tickets are revocable licenses subject to their stated terms. The WooSox reserve the right to remove anyone who fails to produce a ticket upon request, or who occupies a seat for which they do not hold a ticket, or who accesses (or attempts to access) non-public areas of Polar Park without an accredited pass or credential, or misuses or fails to comply with the terms or restrictions of a ticket. For more information, please contact or call (508) 500-8888
All WooSox personnel must receive a copy of the Fan Behavior Policy before working any games.
All WooSox personnel must receive annual training on the Fan Behavior Policy, the substance of the Fan Code of Conduct, and how to respond to prohibited fan behavior, and such training must be documented.
Game-day staff must immediately report prohibited fan behavior to a WooSox security supervisor and to the Chief Ambassador.
Use of derogatory language by a fan toward a player, umpire, WooSox staff or their family members must be documented by the WooSox and reported to the General Manager and to the Commissioner’s Office via email to The WooSox must seek to collect the name and identifying information of the fan, and must include in their report a description of how the WooSox addressed the incident and what discipline it plans to impose.