About the Wepas de Worcester
All right! Good job! Wow! Yeah! Woo Hoo!" These exclamations will all be said when the Worcester Red Sox launch a home run, score a run, or display dazzling defense. In the Latino community, all of these joyous emotions translate to… “¡Wepa!”, a universal term used for any positive exciting moment in life. As the WooSox prepare to take the field for their fourth season at Polar Park, we are delighted to be called the Wepas, representing the Worcester, Central Massachusetts, New England, and worldwide Latino communities. Where would the Boston Red Sox be without their Latino heroes? We seek to celebrate these players of the past while nurturing our players of the future as we present the Wepas to the world. ¡Gracias a todos!
Sobre los Wepas de Worcester
All right! Good job! Wow! Yeah! Woo Hoo!" Todas estas exclamaciones se dirán cuando los Worcester Red Sox hagan un jonrón, anoten una carrera o muestren una defensa deslumbrante. En la comunidad Latina, todas estas alegres emociones se traducen a ..." ¡Wepa! ", un término universal utilizado para cualquier momento positivo y emocionante de la vida. Mientras los WooSox se preparan para salir al campo para su cuarta temporada inaugural en Polar Park, estamos encantados de ser llamados "Los Wepas", en representación de Worcester, Massachusetts Central, Nueva Inglaterra y las comunidades Latinas en todo el mundo. ¿Dónde estarían los Boston Red Sox sin sus héroes Latinos? Queremos celebrar a los jugadores del pasado mientras preparamos a nuestros jugadores del futuro, así presentamos “Los Wepas” al mundo. ¡Gracias a todos!
Apr 11
6:05 PMClippers
Apr 24
6:05 PMMets
Apr 29
6:05 PMMud Hens
Jul 20
1:05 PMRailRiders
Jul 29
6:45 PMIronPigs
Aug 3
1:05 PMIronPigs
Aug 19
6:45 PMJumbo Shrimp
Sep 17
6:05 PMRed Wings
Join us for a weekend of activities as Los Wepas de Worcester celebrate Puerto Rico and the birthday of Roberto Clemente!
On Saturday, August 17 at 10 AM, join us for a behind-the-scenes ballpark tour of Polar Park! Following the tour, you're invited to enjoy a "Celebration of Puerto Rico" Panel, presented by Nationwide. The panel will feature WooSox Bench Coach Jose Flores and Latin American Business Organization President Elizabeth Cruz who will share their stories and experiences of their Puerto Rican heritage and the life and legacy of Roberto Clemente!
On Sunday, August 18 at 9 AM, the WooSox and the Roberto Clemente Foundation will co-host a Roberto Clemente Foundation Clinic from 9 AM to 11 AM. The clinic will be hosted at Fitton Field at The College of the Holy Cross. Youth participants, ages 6 to 14, are invited to participate and learn the fundamentals of the sport! Online registration is now closed, but walk-ups are welcome!
Following the clinic, make your way to Polar Park as Los Wepas de Worcester celebrate Puerto Rico and Roberto Clemente's birthday! Pre-game ceremonies will commence at 12:15 PM, with the first pitch scheduled for 1:05 PM!